Thursday, December 21, 2023

"This Is Off The Charts": Economist Claims 2024 Will Bring 'Biggest Crash Of Our Lifetime' In US

  Or will it? "Predictions are very difficult especially about the future!" Right? So let's dive in.

  What is certain is that the current imbalance cannot last. 2024 will bring major changes. But what king of changes? Economic tensions are rising fast. Compared to that, are interest rates so important? 30 years ago the answer would have been yes. Now with the utterly rigged markets we have, probably not so much. 

  The real question is: Will the black swan of 2024 be natural or artificial? Because the market are so well managed nowadays, a "mistake" as in 2008 cannot happen again. The Central Banks will immediately flood the markets. Knowing this, market players are speculating like there is no tomorrow, or rather no risk, which itself creates its own risk. But probably not enough of it. Just another bubble on top of existing ones. 

  What is more concerning is that the previous bubbles, real estate in America and especially in China are already popping and acting as a drag on the economy. But as the example of Japan shows, this will hinder growth in the long term, not precipitate a recession in the short term.

 To get a depression, something significant has to happen. If it cannot come from the market, then it will have to be either geostrategic or artificial.   

 As for geostrategic, Israel will do its very best to inflame the Middle East and the US will try weakly to resist being dragged in. Easy prediction since it is where we are right now. In all respects, we are already in the early stage of a third world war. It is a war by proxy for now but can quickly degenerate. The ongoing economic war will add to the pressure then the recession early next year will further increase that pressure until it becomes unbearable. (which won't be so hard in democratic societies, especially in Europe.)

 Let's not forget that ALL wars are instigated and that those who raise the tensions also tend to be the ones who benefit in the end from the immense redistribution of wealth. We are most certainly heading towards such troubled times. My best guess? April to July for the apex of the crisis but it really could come at any time as the tensions will rise steadily month after month. Prepare for a bumpy ride.

Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

An economist who focuses on consumer spending has issued a dire warning about the U.S. economy in the coming year.

"Since 2009, this has been 100 percent artificial, unprecedented money printing and deficits: $27 trillion over 15 years, to be exact," economist Harry Dent told Fox Business on Dec. 19. "This is off the charts, 100 percent artificial, which means we're in a dangerous state.

"I think 2024 is going to be the biggest single crash year we'll see in our lifetime.

"We need to get back down to normal, and we need to send a message to central banks," he said. "This should be a lesson I don't think we'll ever revisit. I don't think we'll ever see a bubble for any of our lifetimes again."

A trader looks over his cellphone outside the New York Stock Exchange in New York on Sept. 14, 2022. (Mary Altaffer/AP Photo)

Mr. Dent, who owns the HS Dent Investment Management firm, told the outlet that U.S. markets are currently in a bubble that started in late 2021 amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Things are not going to come back to normal in a few years. We may never see these levels again. And this crash is not going to be a correction," he said.

"It's going to be more in the '29 to '32 level. And anybody who sat through that would have shot their stockbroker," Mr. Dent said, making references to the stock market crash in 1929 that led to the Great Depression throughout the 1930s.

"If I'm right, it is going to be the biggest crash of our lifetime, most of it happening in 2024. You're going to see it start and be more obvious by May.

"So, if you just get out for six to 12 months and stuff stays at the highest valuation history, maybe you miss a little more gains if I'm wrong. If I'm right, you're going to save massive losses and be able to reinvest a year or year-and-a-half from now at unbelievably low prices and magnify your gains beyond compare."

Mr. Dent's predictions of a market crash are nothing new. In 2009, he wrote "The Great Depression Ahead," a book that forecasted a significant market crash.

In the past few weeks, several analysts have been making similar predictions of a significant stock market crash in the near future.

"Based on prevailing market valuations, we estimate that poor total returns are likely for the S&P 500 in the coming 10–12 years, that equity market returns, relative to bonds, are likely to be among the worst in history, and that a market loss on the order of [minus] 63 percent over the completion of this cycle would be consistent with prevailing valuations and a century of market history," Hussman Investment Trust President John Hussman, who called the 2008 crash, wrote in a note in October.

Wrong Prediction?

However, in a recent note, investment banking firm Goldman Sachs raised its 2024 S&P 500 target by 8 percent, to 5,100, forecasting a tailwind for U.S. stocks from falling inflation and declining interest rates.

"Looking forward, the new regime of both improving growth and falling rates should support stocks with weaker balance sheets, particularly those that are sensitive to economic growth," the firm wrote late last week.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said last week that the U.S. central bank's consequential tightening of monetary policy is likely over as inflation falls faster than expected, and that a discussion of cuts in benchmark rates is coming "into view."

The shift from the Fed helped to push the S&P 500 near a record high and sent bond yields tumbling. Goldman strategists expect the Fed to cut rates by 25 basis points at each of its policy meetings in March, April, and May, followed by quarterly cuts that will bring down benchmark rates to a range of 4 percent to 4.25 percent by year-end from the current range of 5.25 percent to 5.5 percent.

The bullish outlook from Goldman Sachs comes as other firms have increased their expectations for interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve. Bank of America Global Research, for example, now sees the Fed cutting rates by 100 basis points next year, beginning with a 25 basis-point cut in March, compared with its previous estimate of 75 basis points.

The U.S. central bank raised rates in a bid to offset decades-high inflation. Data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the Consumer Price Index that measures inflation rose by 0.1 percent in November 2023 on a seasonally adjusted basis and was up by 3.1 percent year over year.

Reuters contributed to this report.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Europeans Should Be Terrified of What’s Coming

   Europe has a problem. It used to be long term and nobody cared (of course) now we can hear the roar of the waterfall. It's still in the distance but it sounds like a mighty one. The strength of Europe was the Euro but because they have abused it, as any hegemon would, it is fast transforming into a weakness. A long, long time ago, 1990? Germany was a powerhouse and could manage the pressure. Now, what's left of it? Without cheap Russian gas and conversely with terrible carbon priorities, the country is de-industrializing fast. Soon the time to give lessons to Africa, India, China! will be over. Already nobody cares. They are just too polite to say so overtly. But this won't last. The time for the CBDC was last year. Not that they won't try though. It's just too late. Read on...   

From the article:

Veteran anti-Islam populist leader Geert Wilders has won a dramatic victory in the Dutch general election, with almost all votes counted.

After 25 years in parliament, his Freedom party (PVV) is set to win 37 seats, well ahead of his nearest rival, a left-wing alliance.

“The PVV can no longer be ignored,” he said. “We will govern.

Let me be clear. Our job here is to identify and navigate the political and market trends and to profit from them. Wilders (like all others) is simply another wheel in the global cog we need to factor in.

Here’s what I think is going to happen in Europe. The zeitgeist that exists is decidedly anti-establishment, and increasing numbers of people are unhappy with the authoritarian nature of the pointy shoes in Brussels. Consider the election of Meloni in Italy, the election results in Slovakia we have spoken about, and now of course the Dutch elections all point towards the same thing.

Right now both the Dutch as well as the Slovaks are celebrating, but the issue here is that these elections are not enough. The leaders of any EU country are completely and totally hamstrung by their monetary overlords at the ECB.

Consider Meloni, who — despite her clear desire to effect many changes — may as well pop on some frilly lingerie and handcuff herself to the bed for some naughty time with her man, because at least that way when she’s getting screwed she can feel good about it.

Why and how?

Because the moment she (or in fact any leader or leading party in any EU country) tries to do anything that the pointy shoes in Brussels dislike, they simply remind her that they can and will simply cut off liquidity to the Italian banking system. Meloni’s government wouldn’t last two weeks, and she knows it.

The same is going to be true of Wilders in Holland and all the others, too. Until any EU member state actually removes itself from the currency system, they’re screwed. And removal from the monetary system by default would mean sanctions and removal from the European Union and the myriad trade agreements linked to it. So you can see that as the pressure cooker gets ever more pressurised the ultimate answer is going to be a breakup of the entire union.

This is inevitable, if only because of the enormous and completely unpayable debts now accumulated.

Take for example the German 10-year bund.

Yields are rising rapidly now from the lows of 2020, but as rapidly as they’ve been rising you can see that they’ve a long way to go simply to get to 1990 levels.

Keep in mind that the debt burden on the German government back in 1990 was nowhere near as severe as it is today. And back in 1990, Germany had access to cheap reliable Russian gas. Now they don’t. And also, back in 1990, woke absurd “climate change” policies were not in full force. Now they are.

Add to this bonfire the rising inflation due to the destruction brought by the CO(N)VID lockdowns, followed swiftly by the blowing up of Nord Stream, which has cemented European industry in a spiral of higher costs (inflationary). At the same time the bureaucrats attempt to kill demand with completely moronic “climate policies.”

This is why we’re seeing the rush to implement a CBDC. It is critical for all these reasons.

To recap. They need to hold this ball of wax together because it’s all about to come splintering apart and their power base (which is in the EU) is threatening to collapse. The need to repudiate these unpayable debts before it all blows up is why they are rushing to bring on a CBDC. They know that the social upheaval of a repudiation of debt and the consequent outrage needs to be met with brute force. This can be achieved when they control individuals’ access to payment for basics like food and shelter.

Basically, they’re looking at doing to the peasants what they’ve already managed to do to the sovereign states within the EU via the banking system.

I don’t believe it’s going to work, but oh boy, are we in for some tough times. This is one reason why I can’t be bearish on the dollar. Not because the dollar is fantastic. It’s not. But it provides liquidity and a faltering euro leaves few places to quickly park scared capital. Europeans should be terrified of what’s coming.

The smart money has already begun leaving, and this trend doesn’t appear to be one that is likely to change. Sadly, most folks will be captured because capital controls are at this point a given.

When? I don’t know, but does it really matter?

If I was a European (with my assets, banking, etc. all in Europe), I’d definitely be considering having some precious metals offshore and some bitcoin.

On that last point, please, for goodness sake, if you’re going to own bitcoin, then self custody it. That is the ENTIRE point of owning it. Sticking it into your brokerage account via some ETF defeats the purpose. Don’t do that!

America, Say Hello To Your New Landlord (Russell brand Video 29')

   Russell Brand is difficult to follow as he presents his ideas as a "show" but don't get it wrong, his focus is on the right stuff. i.e. that which you won't find in the media nowadays. Here it's about big tech taking over society, nothing less. With governments in their pockets and the media as a megaphone, who is left to oppose them? The people have less and less money, big tech more and more. It doesn't matter that it's all fake money created ex-nihilo by central banks. What counts is relative power. As George Carlin would say: "They have it, you don't!" As so we rush full speed into a dystopia of our own making. Or is that a wall strait ahead?


Monday, December 18, 2023

Marc Crispin Miller Exposes The "Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda" Campaign

   Once you are aware of it, the nonstop propaganda of the modern medias becomes painful to hear. But most people are not "aware" and their opinion is indeed almost completely molded on demand. 

  Unfortunately there is nothing at all modern about this. Most people believe that the political system they live with is the right one, their religion the only true one, the food they eat the best one, the women in their country the prettiest... 

  It is a social mechanism which helps people integrate within the group which used to be a tribe and is now a corporation or a country. What was useful and even necessary at the tribe level has been hijacked at the country level and used for purposes which are not necessarily beneficial to the individual and may in fact go against his or her interest whence the necessary propaganda.

   In the end, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that a great majority of people are simply not intelligent or educated enough to build their own independent belief system. Religion, politics and propaganda are just the fast food of the mind. Easy explanations to help them make sense of the work and without which they would be utterly lost.  

  This is why winning an argument with an imbecile does not help him or her see the light. It just confuses the matter.... for a while. Then they comfortably return to the cocoon of their beliefs and hate you for what you have done to them.  

  Now should we talk about democracy? Or just leave the final word to H. L. Mencken? "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong!" which is why, "Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance,"

Via Greg Hunter’s,

New York University (NYU) Professor Mark Crispin Miller (MCM) is an expert in propaganda.

Dr. Miller says from infection to injection, Covid 19 was a global "propaganda masterpiece."

Propaganda on this level has never happened before in human history. Dr. Miller explains,

“The media has been crucial to this entire operation, and I would take that a little further. I would say since the beginning of 2020, we have been subjected to a ‘Rolling Thunder of Propaganda’ drives one after another. 

First, there was the (CV19) virus panic.

Then, there was the George Floyd moment. Now, there is a new documentary that shows George Floyd was not actually murdered... It’s called ‘The Fall of Minneapolis.’...

There was the 2020 Election. There was the so-called ‘insurrection.’ That was a wave of crackpot hysteria... because it was not an insurrection...or coup attempt.

Then, there was Ukraine, and the entire back story of Russia’s invasion was completely missing from all the coverage...

This is all the result of the media doing the opposite of what it is supposed to do. The ‘Framers’ (of the Constitution) realized the absolute necessity of having a free press...

This was before the corporate media cartels, which is what we have now... The Framers knew... to offer a counterforce to federal power, we absolutely had to have a free press...

The reason why the press has First Amendment protections is it... tells truths the federal authorities does not want us to know.

To say the press has failed abysmally is actually giving them too much credit.

They have been instrumental throughout this nightmare, whose aim is radical depopulation and destruction of democracy... if you just tell the other side of the story, you are public enemy #1.”

With more than 700 million mRNA CV19 bioweapon injections in the US alone and more than 13 billion CV19 injections globally, the implications of this depopulation agenda is the biggest story ever short of a global thermal nuclear exchange.

This, too, was part of the “Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda” campaign.

Dr. Miller has dedicated his Substack to reveal mounting and massive deaths and injuries one person at a time. Many doctors are revealing data and sources proving the CV19 vax did not help a single person.

The NYU Profesor calls the CV19 so-called vaccine “the perfect crime.”

Dr. Miller explains,

It’s the perfect crime because there is a long delay between the pulling of the trigger and the collapse due to the bullet. You see what I mean? Sometimes it can take people two years to succumb to the consequences of taking the shot. It’s the perfect crime. I also liken it to the infamous mass murders of mid-century...

This had much more sophistication than those mass murders. It’s not just the bigger numbers, but they got people to take this willingly. Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot were all coercive...

This is the first mass murder that is the result of getting people to clamor for it. The panic over the Corona virus was so successful that people were craving vaccination—craving it.

The good news from Dr. Miller is that it appears people are waking up at a fast pace.

He points to the low uptake of more CV19 boosters in a range of only 3%. Dr. Miller is dedicated to waking people up to the mass propaganda psyop that has led people in a disastrous direction. Dr. Miller says,

“People can subscribe to my Substack, and you can do it for free. I am doing this for the public good. I am always grateful for paid subscribers because I am on disability now as a professor at NYU, but I am not doing it for that reason.

I am doing it because something really, really evil is going on, and people have to snap out of it. People have to wake up. I do believe people can wake up, and there are indications that people are waking up.”

Sunday, December 17, 2023

4th Generation Devastation: The West Has Been Targeted In A Cowardly Globalist Mind War

  The more you look into it, the more you realize that there is a lot of truth behind most of the conspiracies which is usually watered down by nonsense so that in the end people are not sure what to believe. Eventually they hang to whatever is left of a belief system which itself is pulled from under their feet. Most of it is not by accident and as explained below, this is what's behind the woke phenomenon: A systematic weakening of truths and social pillars so that society becomes easier to manipulate.

  It is hard to foresee where all this will take us although history is not kind with deviances which end up being associated with decline with much justification. The elites by definition are above the laws and social norms like pedophily do not apply. But eventually time and success breed hubris...

  The author below is optimistic that there will be a reaction as people understand what's going on. This may be very optimistic.

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

When I first encountered the concept of 4th Generation Warfare around 20 years ago I was studying the basics of propaganda and how it works. While the core issue is deeply disturbing on a number of levels I also found it fascinating – The ways in which governments and elitists have endeavored to control the masses while at the same time trying to avoid direct confrontation whenever possible.

With the advent of civilian populations armed with military grade weaponry and familiar with the training required for combat, elitist groups realized (post American Revolution) that dominating the public with military might was no longer a sure bet. They had to engage in a new kind of warfare using psychological attacks until they could weaken and disarm the populace. The new system of oppressing was about mental coercion; to make people believe that the authoritarian ideal is inevitable.

One part of this strategy involves using economic leverage for social engineering. A hundred years ago it was more about banks creating an endless series of debt mechanisms and controlling the issuance of currencies. Today, corporate elites are expanding – They want to change the very nature of money through Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). By extension, they’re also trying to influence public behavior by attaching “social justice” ideology to economic participation through ESG.

In other words, if you want to have access to credit or money and have the ability to compete in the new “inclusive” marketplace, you will have to bow to the woke religion. If you refuse, your access to trade could be shut down completely, and you and your family could starve.

A greater factor in the mind war, though, is the shift of the Overton Window by making cultural pillars into cultural villains. This is being accomplished through the creation of the deconstruction religion, or what we sometimes call the “Cult of Woke.”

Name any cultural value or principle that defines the western world, such as meritocracy, independence, self reliance, mental toughness, liberty (with responsibility), legacy through hard work and family, the protection of children from perversions, discipline over hedonism, logic and reason over fanaticism, conservation of heritage and history and for many people the tenets of Christian duty. These are all pillars of our society which the woke cult seeks to destroy. In every way I can imagine it is a psychological war on the west, all of it funded through billions of dollars in grants from globalist think tanks like the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and the Open Society Foundation.

The globalists view public manipulation and social engineering as their birthright. They think it’s their manifest destiny, and they suggest often that humanity would somehow decay and self destruct without their influence.

As the famed propagandist Edward Bernays once stated:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…

…In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

For men like Bernays the purpose of psychological ops was more about maintaining a certain status quo, with the establishment power brokers firmly in charge but shielded from public view (and anger) as much as possible. The methodology of “shadow government” was constructed in the era of Bernays. However, what started as a tactic for keeping the populace in the dark has now become a strategy for waging war on them. 4th Gen Warfare was born from the mire of public perception management.

You might ask, though, how we are being attacked without soldiers, guns, bombs, tanks or drones? Doesn’t this sound a little paranoid?

In a once obscure internal US Army document titled ‘From Psyop To Mindwar’, the military value of sabotage through 4th Generation methods is described in detail. The treatise outlines the idea of causing a target population to self enslave by undermining its core structures through psychological warfare. The paper was written in 1980 by Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino, a devout satanist, and Colonel Paul Vallely, who would later become a General.

Aquino’s theory was essentially that the US Army was under-utilizing psychological operations as a background to kinetic operations. He argued that psyops could be used as the front line weapon to destroy an enemy nation (or control a domestic population) without the exploitation of standard munitions. As Aquino suggests in a 2003 preface to Mindwar:

Essentially you overwhelm your enemy with argument. You seize control of all of the means by which his government and populace process information to make up their minds, and you adjust it so that those minds are made up as you desire. Everyone is happy, no one gets hurt or killed, and nothing is destroyed.”

The faux benevolence behind this idea is disturbing.  Believe it or not, this was Aquino’s attempt to “soften” the public’s perception of the document. He lamented the exposure of Mindwar among “conspiracy circles” and spent decades trying to downplay the role of occultism in the upper echelons of the military and the government. It was all a “big misunderstanding” according to the satanist.

Mindwar attempts to disconnect itself from the dark and dirty reputation of propaganda efforts among the Nazis or the Communists. Propaganda is commonly, and rightfully, associated with lying. Aquino admits that the new psyops will be used against Americans, not just foreign enemies, but this time he claims they will use “the truth” to manipulate the masses. And who gets to dictate what the truth is? Well, satanist fanatics like Aquino, of course.

The hypocrisy of Mindwar is evident in its underlying premise – That the establishment will always propagandize using the truth, because that which is a lie today can be made into the truth tomorrow. As Aquino notes:

Unlike PSYOP, MindWar has nothing to do with deception or even with “selected” – and therefore misleading – truth. Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States.”

Mindwar as a document is itself a piece of propaganda that can’t help but twist reality to justify the vision of men who seek power above all else. I invite you to read the paper (linked above); nearly every concept described in it is being used against the American people and the western public today. The crooked arguments made in Mindwar are the same exact arguments used by current governments to justify state propaganda and mass censorship of opposing views as essential to security and the greater good.

Not to mention, the woke movement is disturbingly similar in its ideals and goals to the narcissistic religions of satanism and luciferianism that Aquino adores.  I’m sure that’s purely coincidence…

The reason that conservatives and liberty proponents have been at such a disadvantage in the midst of this “mind war” until recently is because we have an OLD way of viewing warfare that assumes a stand-up fight. They point their guns at us and try to control us, we point our guns at them and say no thanks. But not all war is designed to destroy people directly, and some wars are fought in a cowardly fashion in order to avoid direct confrontation.

Mind war proponents would argue that the tactics are similar to guerrilla methods. I would argue they are much more closely related to terrorist methods, and yes, there is a difference.

The globalists know that once the shooting starts they lose the ability to micromanage the outcome and they might become targets. The purpose of psyops is to either terrorize a population into not fighting back at all, or, to shore up popular sentiment through lies and make any potential rebellion as fringe as possible. Hence the reason for funding woke activism and indoctrinating western youth. Given a generation or two, they think they can replace the west by demonizing it in the minds of today’s children. They might never have to fight us at all.

The conflagration goes beyond “left vs right” to be sure – The globalists and their institutions are the root of the disease our civilization faces, and until that cancer is cut out we will never know peace, regardless of which side of the political spectrum comes out on top.

That said, it’s lazy to suggest that this conflict is simply a product of the false left/right paradigm. Leftists truly are a mob army fully supported by the globalists and fully serving their interests. To get to the money elites, we will likely have to roll through the leftists. Either by forcefully removing them from positions of influence over the next generation (which is what some conservative states are finally doing), or booting them out of a state or country entirely. In war, the people trying to destroy freedom no longer deserve the benefits of freedom.

The key to grasping the situation is to accept that a war is upon us. Woke is a psychological operation devised by globalists, and it is currently battling to become the one and only system of thought – A morally relativist system of thought. It relies on a specific circumstance in order to succeed: The idea that men of the west will not take on a fighting posture in the face of psychological attack. As long as we continue to see war only as fighting with guns, we will remain docile in the face of a more advanced cultural bombardment.

For 4th Gen Warfare to prevail the target population has to follow a certain set of rules while the other side operates without rules. They have to be allowed to pursue all-out destruction against their enemy while the other side is admonished for doing anything remotely defensive, including speaking up. But what happens when patriots stop caring about being admonished? What happens when the optics are no longer relevant? What happens when the goal goes from winning in politics or in the halls of public discourse to winning the actual conflagration in front of us?

When this happens, everything in America and the western world will change. For good or ill will really depend on who is left to rebuild once the smoke clears.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

EVERYTHING is About to Change. RIGHT NOW. (2024)

   Another video from Canadian Preper about Oil and Energy. 

   Extremely interesting and educative.



UFO Whistleblower Speaks Out - Interview by Tucker carlson

  This must be THE most interesting interview on UFO I have heard in a long time. 

  The whistleblower, David Grusch is highly credible and Tucker Carlson is a skillful interviewer. The result is stunning.

  Does the Deep State has UFO remains? I am agnostic on this point. There is no proof for now.

  But do we have the certainty that UFO are real? The answer is a resounding yes. Some observations are corroborated by radar sightings. Witness, especially among pilots and military personnel are too numerous to count. As for pictures and videos, we now have hundreds of very good ones which are very hard to debunk.   

  As David Grusch says, there is no reason whatsoever to withhold information at this stage. It is only hampering progress in our understanding of the phenomenon.  

  But more ominously, he makes clear that the deep state IS a real danger for democracy and that likewise, journalism is dead. But we knew that, didn't we?


Trump Demands Action After 20% Of Mail-in Voters Admit To Fraud In 2020 Election Survey

 So Trump was right, the election in 2020 WAS stolen?

   I am confused here. You mean the guy who was already senile, kept in a basement to avoid mistakes didn't win a majority of the electorate and needed a oh-so-subtle help from mail-in ballots, Russian disinformation? (No, not that one, the Russians were only active in 2016 for some reasons.) and absentee votes to make it past the goalpost? 

  Where exactly do you start when everything is rotten? Probably nowhere less you destroy the system from which you benefit so much. Expect therefore the Republicans to do exactly nothing.

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Former President Donald Trump issued an urgent call for action to his fellow Republicans over what he called “the biggest story of the year,” namely a survey showing that 20 percent of mail-in voters admitted to committing at least one kind of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Former President Donald Trump speaks to reporters in New York City, on Dec. 7, 2023. (Eduardo Munoz Alvarez-Pool/Getty Images)

The Heartland/Rasmussen poll, released on Dec. 12, suggests concerning levels of voter fraud in the 2020 election, bolstering President Trump’s longstanding claim that he was cheated out of a victory amid an explosion in mail-in ballots combined with state-level moves by the courts that made it easier to cheat.

The new survey shows 17 percent of mail-in voters admitting to voting in a state where they are no longer permanent residents; 21 percent filling out ballots for others; 17 percent signing ballots for family members without consent, and 8 percent reporting offers of “pay” or “reward” for their vote.

What’s more, 10 percent of all respondents to the survey (carried on a representative sample of 1,085 likely voters) said they know a friend, family member, co-worker, or other acquaintance who admitted to casting a mail-in ballot fraudulently.

Over 43 percent of 2020 votes were cast by mail, which is the highest percentage in U.S. history.

“Taken together, the results of these survey questions appear to show that voter fraud was widespread in the 2020 election, especially among those who cast mail-in ballots,” the Heartland Institute, a conservative and libertarian public policy think tank, said in a statement.

‘Biggest Story of The Year’

President Trump, who is the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in the 2024 race for the White House, took to social media to call on Republicans to take action in response to the survey’s shocking results.

“This is the biggest story of the year, and Republicans must do something about it,” the former president wrote. Further, he suggested that unless something is done quickly to address the problem of voter fraud, the issue will cast a pall over the 2024 election.

“Have to make a move now,” President Trump continued. “Get tough, get smart. Our country is being stolen!

While Democrats and their allies claim that election fraud is little more than a myth, President Trump has said for years that voter fraud is a pervasive problem in U.S. politics —and insists he was robbed of a win in the 2020 election.

In a recent interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” the former president spoke about what went into his decision to challenge the results.

“I was listening to different people. And when I added it all up, the election was rigged,” he said, adding that it was his choice to contest the results because “I won the election.”

‘Nothing Short of Stunning’

While Democrats and their allies, along with some in the scientific community, argue that voter fraud was so small in the 2020 elections as to be negligible, the findings of the Heartland/Rasmussen survey bolster President Trump’s claims that he was robbed of victory.

Justin Haskins, the director of Heartland’s Socialism Research Center and primary author of the Heartland/Rasmussen survey, said in a statement that the results of the poll are “nothing short of stunning.”

For the past three years, Americans have repeatedly been told that the 2020 election was the most secure in history. But if this poll’s findings are reflective of reality, the exact opposite is true,” Mr. Haskins said. “This conclusion isn’t based on conspiracy theories or suspect evidence, but rather from the responses made directly by the voters themselves.”

Some progress has been made on election integrity measures in over a dozen states in the aftermath of the 2020 election, Mr. Haskins acknowledged. He insisted, however, that “much more” work is needed in most parts of the country to bolster the integrity of elections—and voter confidence that the results reflect the actual will of the people.

“If America’s election laws do not improve soon, voters and politicians will continue to question the truthfulness and fairness of all future elections,” Mr. Haskins said.

Some states have reformed their laws and procedures amid widespread vote integrity worries prompted by the 2020 presidential election controversy. However, according to conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, more needs to be done.

The group’s Election Integrity Scorecard shows that not a single state in the country has a perfect score in a checklist of 12 possible problem spots, including voter ID, accuracy of voter registration lists, and absentee ballot management.

Tennessee has the best election integrity procedures in the country, with a score of 88 (out of a possible 100), followed by Georgia at 84, Alabama at 82, and Missouri at 83.

Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, recently wrote that “no state in the country has a perfect score of 100, which means everyone has some work to do.”

In order to make elections more secure and build shore-up public confidence that the declared results are legitimate, states should ensure that election officials maintain current, accurate voter rolls, he argues.

Further, they should require photo identification to cast a vote, both in person and absentee, according to Mr. Von Spakovsky, who also argues for a ban on partisan funding  of state and local election offices.

He pointed to the Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database as a constantly updated record of various cases of voter fraud from across the country.

“In an era of razor-thin elections, guarding against this type of illegal behavior, as well as errors made by election officials, is especially important,” he wrote.

In 2024, it could prove critical.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

‘The Great Taking’ Documentary Exposes ‘The Greatest Crime Ever Contemplated’

  You can follow the link below to see the video which in itself is very interesting.

  The problem about Money is that it is very complicated. If you studied economics and learned money theory at University, what you learned about related to the late 19th Century when the markets were infinitely simpler than today. Things have change drastically since. 

  It was a slow motion at first, creation of the US Central Bank in 1913, getting rid of the restraint of gold in 1971, then emancipating the financial markets in the late 1980s with the Big Bang in London. But it's only in the early 21th Century that speed has been picking up with the grand unification of financial markets and the flood of Fiduciary money.  

 We now live in a completely artificial market which is almost completely under control. This would all be fine if it was sustainable. But it is not and we are approaching the end of the system. Historically, ALL financial systems in history have crashed one way or the other. The milder ways were through jubilees, erasure of debt, but there were also much more violent ways usually ending with destructive wars.

  This time will be different. The economy has become far more complex and the elites have a plan with their CBDC "money". A plan were "You will own nothing and will be happy!"  To implement this plan, they must take control of all the assets and control ALL the transactions with NO exception. 

  This is why all dissenting countries from Libya to Iraq were destroyed in the past. And also why Russia and Iran are mortal enemies. Their sin is not military or ideological, it is financial. They are roadblocks on the way of a global takeover.

 Well, we'll see how it goes in 2024 since it is the year when the conundrum will be resolved one way or another. (The video explains very well how we got there, especially the last few years which are key to understand what will happen in 2024.)

Via Children’s Health Defense

In “The Great Taking” documentary now airing on CHD.TV, former hedge fund manager David Webb takes the audience step by step through his forensic investigation into the legal, financial and regulatory changes that have set up “the greatest crime ever contemplated … the planned confiscation of everyone’s global securities assets.”

In “The Great Taking,” a new documentary airing on CHD.TV, former hedge fund manager David Webb takes the audience step by step through his forensic investigation into the legal, financial and regulatory changes that have set up “the greatest crime ever contemplated … the planned confiscation of everyone’s global securities assets.”

How old is the Universe?

  You would expect that by now we have a rather good idea and until recently most scientists would have answered 13.6 billion years. 

  Then things started to go wrong.

  Already with the Hubble Space Telescope we were seeing galaxies fully formed a few hundred million years after the birth of the Universe. Strange but not impossible.

  Then we sent the James Webb Telescope into orbit. A more powerful machine working in the infrared light specter. And what we were afraid of happened. We are now seeing objects born "before" the official beginning of the place. 

  Something's wrong but what is it? 

  In fact as for almost everything in science, the closer you look the more you realize that we do not understand as much as we think. 

  When we looked at galaxies we could see that they were rotating. Then we measured the rotation and horror, the exterior of galaxies is rotating almost as fast as the center. According to the Newton laws, this should not be. So we invented Dark matter. We do not know what it is but it has to be there otherwise Newton was wrong!

  When Hubble observed what at the time was called nebulas, he discovered that they were much farther away than we thought and consequently could not belong to our galaxy. They were themselves galaxies. An infinity of them! The way he calculated the distance was by observing the red-shift and by doing so found that the Universe was expanding according to what we latter called the Hubble constant. But horror, the speed of expansion was much faster than justified by what we could see and compute. So we invented Dark Energy. We do not know what it is but it must be there otherwise Einstein made a mistake somewhere! 

  Then we found the cosmic background which somehow justified our Big Bang theory. Victory was close... but the radiation was strangely flat so we invented inflation. A time in the early Universe when the expansion of the Universe was much faster than the speed of light, almost infinitely faster. "How could this be?" You may ask. Well don't! We really don't know... but it must be otherwise our models of the Universe do not work.  

  And now finally this news that in fact could have been predicted a few years ago. We are seeing structures which are older than the Universe. Now "Houston, we have a problem!" What are they, we don't know. But either our calculations are wrong or they should not be there. (My personal guess is that the calculations based on red-shift are wrong 30% or the Universe is much older than we believe 70%)  

  Why do I give a higher probability to the second option? Well, we have another problem with age and a much, much bigger one. We can calculate relatively accurately the age of stars based on their composition. We have done this for almost 50 years and the science here is rather accurate. And slowly we started seeing very old stars, red dwarves in the range of over 10 billion years of age. They could just fit within the range of our expectations. That is until we found the Methuselah star. A star, located about 200 light-years away in our galaxy which is at least 1 billion years older than the Universe!   

  So here you go: An object which is at least 13.8 billion years at the edge of the Universe and a star which is over 14 billion years. Both uncomfortably wobbling in a 13.6 billion years old Universe. Many others will follow in short order. However you look at it, our science must change. (And I think it is a good thing because as you may remember, the "old" science belonged to the European Union technocrats. Hopefully the new science won't! 😀)


Trump’s Trap: Macron & Ursula Push Europe Into WAR With Russia w/ Brian Berletic (video - 20 mn)

  While the Ukrainian army is being crushed in Kursk, we are being fed non stop propaganda. Here's some deeper analysis from Brian Berle...