Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Neo-puritans undoing of America


This article is the second part of a text by Thierry Meyssan, that can be found below. There indeed seems to be an irreconcilable gap in America today between two opposite visions of the country. The first one being the Jacksonian's.  

A similar non-discussion is also at work in Europe, hidden behind complex national identities. I find it amazing to witness this unraveling while energy diminishing returns on investment coupled with environmental collapse increase the divisions and accelerate the decline. 

The reality is that as ALL natural processes we are long past the overshoot part of the cycle and avoiding a crash is therefore beyond our grasp. The human side is giving meaning to what's happening and exacerbating the differences.    

After the USSR, the USA Collapses

 The Neo-puritans

In contrast to the Jacksonians, the groups raging against the still-in-office president Donald Trump are just as sure of their rightful place. Like Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, they claim a higher moral standard than the law; but unlike the English Republican, they do not use religious references. They are Calvinists without God.

They intend to create a Nation for all, not with their opponents, but by excluding all those who do not think like them. That is why they welcome the decisions of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitch to censor those who challenge the regularity of the election. They do not care if these multinationals arrogate to themselves a political power that contravenes the spirit of the First Amendment of the Constitution, since they share the same conception of Purity as they do: freedom of expression does not apply to heretics or “trumpists”.

Carried away by their zeal, they rewrite the history of this Nation, “light on the hill”, which came to enlighten the world. They do away with all class consciousness and magnify all minorities, not because of what they do, but because they are a minority. They purify the universities, practice inclusive writing, sacralise the wilderness, distinguish information from fakenews, overthrow statues of great men. Today, they are trying to remove President Trump from office, not because he organized the capture of the Capitol, but because he is the champion of those who took it. None of these heretics can have a place in the sun.

In the seventeenth century, the Puritans practiced public confessions in order to gain access to eternal life. In the 21st century, their successors, the Neo-Puritans, are still beating their chests for the “white privilege” they believe they enjoyed in order to attain immortality. Ultra-billionaires such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Arthur Levinson, Sundar Pichai, Sheryl Sandberg, Eric Schmidt, John W. Thompson and Mark Zuckerberg are promoting a new ideology that claims the superiority of the digital man over the rest of humanity. They hope to defeat disease and death.

These very rational people have long ago abandoned reason to the extent that it is now impossible, according to two-thirds of Americans, to agree with them on basic facts. I am writing here about neopuritans, not trumpists.

Their fanaticism had already provoked the English Civil War, then the American War of Independence and the American Civil War. President Richard Nixon’s first fear was that it would open a fourth war that would tear the USA apart. That is where we are now.

Part of the power has already tipped democratic institutions into the hands of a few ultra-billionaires. The United States that we knew no longer exists. Their agony has begun.


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