Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Study Claims More Kids Are Fat And Unhealthy Because Of Global Warming

  This is nothing but the well known problem with statistics between correlation and causation.

 It is the reason why we need credible sources, not to tell us what science is or is not based on dogma, but to actually build it through tests, arguments and counter-arguments and synthesis of the best explanations that can be found.

 When science becomes corrupted by money and power, we end up with bogus doctrinal beliefs and progress mostly stops. 

 This is not a modern illness, quite the opposite in fact. 300 years of enlightenment have been a ray of light in a rather grey sky. It is human nature to prefer solid beliefs even on shaky foundations that a perpetual search for truth and all the uncertainties that goes with it.  

 It is essential to remember that in spite of their technical prowess, the Romans created almost no science (unlike the Greeks) and likewise the Renaissance Church, the last vestige of Rome in pre-modern Europe did it's very best to stifle progress and curiosity for as long as it could.

 It is customary to present these people as uneducated religious bigot which is as far from the truth as can be. These Popes and Cardinals were highly intelligent people, well educated, speaking fluently several languages. The one thing they didn't want was dissent and dilution of the power that they shared with the nobility at the time. Galileo was crushed not because they thought he was wrong, they already understood that the probability of a heliocentric world was quite high, but because he was dangerous.

 And here we are once again, exactly four centuries later. New dogmas are being created on the fly to protect those who profit most from the current social structure and mold it to their advantage. A cabal of deep state and corporate people who control international and financial institutions and indirectly most countries. But more crucially, all the online and offline Media to shape the social discourse as they see fit.

 This is how you end up with absurdities such as "Kids Are Fat And Unhealthy Because Of Global Warming" 

 The claim is absurd and disingenuous as we all know that kids, and many people, are unhealthy because of unhealthy food. 

 The real problem is that for such nonsense to fly unobstructed requires the connivance of doctors who should know better, of journalists who do little more these days than public relations for conglomerates and of paid politicians elected for and by these groups.  

 The most corrosive in all this is that there is a clear agenda to this madness. To facilitate control, our belief system, the pillars of our society are being undermined one by one so that eventually people will have nothing to refer to. 

     "War is peace" "Freedom is slavery" "Ignorance is strength" 1984

    Indeed: We are almost there!

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

A study published in the journal Temperature has claimed that there is a correlation between rising temperatures and children becoming fatter and more unhealthy.

The study claims that climate change is causing more children to stay inside, eat more, and be generally less active.

CBS Mornings covered the “findings” this past weekend, noting that almost a third of kids are less fit than they were a generation ago.

It also notes that fewer children are engaging in physical activity for 60 minutes a day.

The core argument of the study concerns “heat stress assessment” and claims that it is more ‘dangerous’ and less fun for children to be active if it’s warmer outside.

Critics have noted that the study uses stats recorded during the COVID lockdowns, and as such it may be skewed.

It notes “Climate change will not only exert direct effects like higher ambient temperatures in many regions but it will also be responsible for indirect effects that can independently affect child physical activity habits, for example as observed during the Covid-19 global pandemic.”

Perhaps the fact that children are becoming obese and unhealthy is more to do with the fact that their parents increasingly feed them unhealthy (more affordable) food, coupled with the fact that society encouragesprotects and even celebrates unhealthy lifestyles.

This point was recently amplified by Bill Maher, who noted that “It’s Orwellian how often positivity is used to describe what’s not healthy!”

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