Monday, January 23, 2023

The madness at the WEF - by Redacted (Video - 9')

  The real tittle of this video is: "Are the people at the WEF insane?"

  But of course they are not. They do nevertheless suffer from delusion on a grand scale and it shows. After all, there must be a reason if they are so rich. Shouldn't it be that they are so much more intelligent than the rest of us, the hoi polloi? 

  Even a high IQ is no guaranty that you will get it right every time. Hitler was said to have a IQ above 150. But the worst you can do at this level is to surround yourself with people who think like you do and that's exactly what the WEF has become in these polarized times: An echo chamber for rich people who somehow believe that the future of mankind is in their hands. 

 That is of course without listening to Elon Musk or Xi Jinping, or god forbid, Putin! And of course without listening to anyone else, including you, me and the vast majority of the people who will be impacted by the policies that somehow they can now implement through so-called democratic governments more concerned by corporate interest than by the people they govern. What could go wrong?


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