Sunday, November 12, 2023

Economist Fact-Checks Zeihan's China Collapse Story (Video - 25')

  This is a very interesting video about China but more importantly about how we thing and arrive to conclusions. 

  I sometimes listen to Peter Zeihan who looks carefully at the data and analyses deep trends such as population and resources which few other economists do, and usually arrives to surprising conclusions which somehow are always aligned with what his neo-cons sponsors expect.  

 So how is it possible to be knowledgeable, highly intelligent... and wrong?

 I remember listening to one of his presentations about Russia a couple of years ago, just after the start of the Ukraine war where he predicted that Russia would fail and the post-SSSR republic was going to explode sooner than later, offering the opportunity to Western powers to feed off the carcass. The Neo-cons must have been salivating on these conclusions ever since but must now be wondering about the timing! 

 So here's a great deconstruction of his arguments about China. 

 I also believe that China will soon face major obstacles and may well follow the path of Japan to relative economic decline. But a complete implosion of the country? Some people around K street are probably dreaming about it but the reality is more prosaic. The infrastructure exists. The buildings may be empty but they too are here to stay. Likewise the Chinese population is graying but it is also more educated than in Western countries. Here are the details.


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