Wednesday, January 29, 2025

What we know...

  1 - UAP/UFO in New Jersey are officially authorized "Drones"

No UFOs, just authorized drones. And of course no explanation whatsoever. So here's one possible explanation: Wasn't it a great timing for an updated scare tactic and push congress in the "right" direction? The stench of manipulation is so "in your face" but then again, if it works then it is indeed a good strategy. Consequences: Expect more like this in the coming months. 

   2 - Covid 19 origin is officially from a "lab"

Or so the CIA finally admitted. (as we have been explaining in much details for over 4 years!) Corollary: Gain of function research to militarize the virus did indeed happen. Some in China, some in the US, some in Ukraine... So who was responsible? W-h-o coordinated policies internationally through the (you've guessed it) W.H.O.?  Now, you're starting to ask too many questions! China? Really? How far does the rabbit hole goes?

   3 - The - - - killed JFK 

Just kidding. They will probably throw a bone to RFK junior but to expect to know the full story from the C.I.... (deep state) to incriminate the C.I.... (deep state) is beyond ridiculous. Most people involved are now dead but the institutions are very much alive and the real story would probably touch too many dark corners to be told in full. I won't hold my breath on this one!

   So in the end, what can we learn from these interesting revelations? 

   Trump does intend to fight the deep state but he also knows that a compromise will have to be found as in the end the deep state is stronger than he is as he learned during his first administration. Trump is a deal maker. He knows that to get something, you have to give something. He must therefore start from high grounds and relatively polarized positions to win some battles. 

   Fauci, big pharma, the WEF, the WHO, the UN and a few other organizations certainly should worry but others less so. Let's not forget that what we will get over the next 4 years is mostly a show for public consumption and maybe from time to time some "victories". But I wouldn't expect too many real "news" on that front.

  This said, the Trump administration will have to deal with a systemic crash and a possible upheaval of international relations. This could transform everything and make Trump very unpredictable and even dangerous. We'll see how this plays out but I wouldn't be surprised if as the year progress, the trickle of revelations turns into a flood in proportion to the gravity of international relations and to crashing markets. We will then, at last finally enter "interesting times".


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 Plenty of interesting details in this long video. Canadian Preper is a "preper" so you can expect a rather dark outlook. Still, i...