Wednesday, August 28, 2019

From data to paradigm

Data has no meaning without context!

which is why everyone is so busy creating context to influence us. Influence enough people and you create a paradigm which will shape how people perceive reality.

This is especially true about the "gatekeepers": Google, Facebook and Amazon which respectively control information access, social networks and retail.

Soon with AI, that control will become dynamic and adaptive and will mold our thinking without people even realizing what is going on. AI will not enhance our intelligence, it will replace it, dumbing down everything it touches with AI powered easy to use apps which will slowly takeover our every day chores. This is not liberation, it is enslavement as soon enough your "navigator" will tell you "smartly" that you are not allowed to turn left, fastest or optimum option is right. No discussion possible, "smart car" directed by "smart city" is in charge.

This is still the future but it is the one we are busy building up at this very moment. Contrary to the video, I do not believe this is "planned". We are just rushing towards a future we do not completely understand and which outcome we are not capable of shaping.

A matrix by default?

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Siri, Cortana, Alexa and AI (Weekend Humor)

Not there yet but will our online assistants be the first to show early signs of intelligence? That would be quite amazing because such AI would be stumbled into instead of created by design. This is possible but unlikely. There must be a few basic principles such as backward propagation which still elude us. Then there is pure intelligence where the right deductions are generated without awareness and a more advance system with a self which "thinks" nonstop without being stimulated. As we progress, the steps will probably be more numerous and complex. Jealousy and humor are still our prerogative for some time! 

Friday, July 26, 2019

The death of third party data

Interesting article published on Technative

Interesting but incomplete!
There is a mix up of understanding between 3rd party using the data for access to clients and companies using 3rd party data to get more insight into the clients. This is not the same!

In one case, you have intrusion and this is what people react to quite legitimately. In the other case, we are talking about necessary insight into people behavior in order to do marketing properly. Without insight and context, you cannot do "personalized" marketing.

Marketing personalization will more and more rely on AI systems and these systems will need more and more data to perform efficiently. Complex models may eventually replace data but these have to be built and to do that you will need data, lots of data!

With GDPR in full force, the days of third party data are numbered

The regulation has been the catalyst for new concerns around how companies are using our personal information, and there is heightened awareness around how anonymous third-party data cookies are tracking us around the internet. In a post-GDPR world, sensitivity to intrusive online ads has never been so strong.
And it’s a justified cause for concern. Imagine going into H&M and someone walking up to you to sell a Primark T-shirt. It wouldn’t feel right, but that’s exactly what ad space is doing. You could be on a travel website and another completely different company, with no affiliation, not only knows that you’ve been there but that you’ve made a purchase.
This abuse of third party data has become the norm, with too many companies crossing the line and violating consumer’s privacy. And let’s not forget, this practice has been technically possible and legally allowed. What Facebook and Cambridge Analytica did, for example, didn’t break the law. They abused something they were allowed to abuse. But consumers have become savvier when it comes to their data and they rightly called ethics into question.
In this climate, marketers need to be prepared for a backlash on a much wider scale, and for the spotlight on ethics to kill acquisition marketing. Data Management Platforms (DMPs), which currently allow marketers to access huge volumes of third-party data way beyond the resources of the individual marketer, will become a thing of the past. Or marketers will at least have to accept that there will be radical changes or limitations for these platforms to function within GDPR regulations.

Putting retention marketing centre stage

This will put significant pressure on CMOs to shift their focus to providing the best possible experience to existing customers, targeting known email addresses and mobile numbers instead of using cookie crumbs. The beauty of retention marketing is that the brand has already won the customer over at some point in the past, so they are likely to be more receptive to personalised content and engagements.
Forrester research shows that the majority are already onto this trend. In 2017, CMO spend on customer growth and retention outpaced budgets for customer acquisition by an almost 2:1 ratio (63% and 37% share of budgets, respectively). That’s good progress when we consider that ten years ago the use of third party data dominated. But there’s still a long way to go and marketers should be working to get their acquisition budgets right down to meet customer expectations.

Turning first party data into a gold mine

The next challenge for marketers is to maximise spend on retention marketing and make first party data a powerful addition to their omnichannel strategy. For example, as customers voluntarily follow a brand’s social channel, it makes sense to tap into this as much as possible. Retention marketers have the opportunity here to transform communication and capitalise on tighter customer relationships across the digital journey.
In addition, CRM-based advertising enables marketers to use their first-party contact data to reach anyone online, wherever they are, with relevant ads. Marketers can extend their reach across networks without diluting targeting focus, and can drive engagement to provide comprehensive, exciting customer journeys. The critical aspect here becomes the marketer’s ability to accurately match first-party data with network profiles to target users on networks such as Google and Facebook.
However, what will ultimately drive revenue is automating the integration of first-party data. Marketing automation needs to take a strategic approach in order to be successful, as poorly implemented automation can very quickly ruin personalisation.
In a post GDPR world where consumers expect – and deserve – a more responsible use of their data, the key to success is building personalised customer journeys that inspire customers to keep engaging with the brand. By combining first-party data with sophisticated marketing platforms, and being aware of the changing digital habits of consumers, marketers now have all the ingredients they need to seriously transform their online strategy and win at retention marketing.

Monday, July 22, 2019

12 Free Machine Learning Course

This is an amazing collection of tools about Machine learning, so although this post is a little long, I list it in its entirety as a repository, including all the links to the different resources.

The Original can be found at:

on Techgrabyte at

12 Machine Learning Course For Free That Will Make You An Expert

Machine Learning is a beautiful field to work on, it is full of fun and if you are one who is looking to learn ML, then you are at right place, here today I’ll show some of the best machine learning course that will not only save your money but it will also offer you a quality education.
And the fun part is that you don’t even have to leave your room, just sit down on your chain, pull the desk closer, take a notebook and pen and finally grab the most import thing, a cup of coffee and go full-on it.

This all machine learning courses are perfectly designed and divided into a curriculum that will take you from an absolute beginner to an expert in Machine Learning, who knows how to build real-world projects.
From the listed machine learning course, you will learn the basics and fundamentals of Machine Learning, how it works internally, how to train a model and also how to implement the knowledge that you will gain.

For a general idea, this machine learning courses will teach you about various different concepts like parameter learning, logistic regression model, neural networks, application of neural networks, cost function, and backpropagation and much more.
Another thing is that all the machine learning course that we are going to see here are primarily selected on the quality of content, language simplicity, and public reviews.
The only prerequisites that are required for this all machine learning courses are the little understanding and knowledge of programming languages like R and Python and little basics about mathematics.
That been said, let us start our journey. Don’t forget to check the bonus.

1. Programming Language

12 Machine Learning Course For Free That Will Make You An Expert
If you have already master or learning a programming language that heavily going to contribute in creating Machine Learning based stuff, then you can directly move to the next point, but if you are new here then wait I have a surprise for you.
A blank mind is always good as it is free from confusion, if you haven’t learned any language yet, then at this right moment start with Python or with R or with JavaScript, I’ll suggest you Python.
I mostly suggest beginners go with Python for Machine Learning, the prime reason behind this is that Python is quick, fast and easy to understand and learn.
Medium has a great article on Why Python is the most popular language used for Machine Learning, I’m so mad for Python that I can talk about it all day, but to keep the article short you can head over this article and can clear doubts and questions, you can also ask them in below comment box.
And if I talk about R, then R is good for ad-hoc analysis and exploring data sets, R has a steep learning curve, but people without programming experience, find it overwhelming.
R also don’t have lots of libraries that Python actually offers, also the community of Python is humongous, so you can easily find someone who can help you in your errors.
Now the surprise that I talk before.
If you are thinking to learn R or Python, then below are the links from where you can download the most popular and useful books for Python and R for free.
This book will help you to build the core foundation on which you can learn advanced concepts at a greater speed.

2. Udacity’s Intro to Machine Learning

The clarity in thoughts is must when you are learning something, especially when it is Machine Learning. Udacity’s Intro to Machine Learning is the best machine learning course that will teach and will show you what machine learning actually is.
Another reason that I suggest this machine learning course is that I many time saw that the students have their some pre-assumptions, confusion, and doubts on machine learning, Udacity’s this course will give you a better understanding of ML.
This course is about 10-weeks long and it will teach you the end-to-end process of investigating data through a machine learning lens.
It will teach you how to extract and identify useful features that best represent your data, the most important machine learning algorithms, and how to evaluate the performance of your machine learning algorithms.
I also recommend you to take the foundational Intro to Data Science course which deals with Data Manipulation, Data Analysis, Data Communication with Information Visualization, and Data at Scale, this will helps you understand machine learning concepts more easily.
Intro to Machine Learning will be taught by instructors Sebastian Thrun and Katie Malone, the instructors expect the beginners to know basic statistical concepts and Python.

3. Stanford Machine Learning Course

Stanford Machine Learning Course
This machine learning course is a very special course, as it is taught by Andrew Y. Ng (my idol), Andrew is a prestige name in the field of machine learning. He is a co-founder of CourseraBaidu’s Chief Scientist and a former head of Google Brain.
In this machine learning course, you will learn about the most effective machine learning techniques.
You will learn about some of Silicon Valley’s best practices in innovation as it pertains to ML and AI. This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, data mining, and statistical pattern recognition.
Topics that these machine learning course will cover include:
(i) Supervised learning, parametric and non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, neural networks.
(ii) Unsupervised learning clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning.
(iii) Best practices in machine learning -bias/variance theory, innovation process in machine learning and AI.

This machine learning course also offers numerous case studies and applications so that you’ll learn how to use ML algorithms to building smart robots (perception, control), text understanding (web search, anti-spam), computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas.
After doing this course, you will gain skills like Logistic Regression, Artificial Neural Network, and Machine Learning.

4. Google Machine Learning Course

Google Machine Learning Course
With no doubt, Google is the leading company in the field of ML, and Google is offering some amazing machine learning courses that is absolutely free and that will teach you many valuable concepts of ML.
This free Machine Learning Course will teach you how to recognize the relative impact of data quality and size to algorithms, set informed and realistic expectations for the time to transform the data.
This course will also explain you a typical process for data collection and transformation within the overall ML workflow, how to collect raw data and how to construct a data set, and split your dataset with considerations for imbalanced data and about transform numerical and categorical data.
This course will have 25 lessons, 40+ exercises, interactive visualizations of algorithms in action, real-world case studies, and mind-blowing lectures from Google researchers.
This course will answer all questions like :
1) How does machine learning differ from traditional programming?
2) What is a loss, and how do I measure it?
3) How does gradient descent work?
4) How do I determine whether my model is effective?
5) How do I represent my data so that a program can learn from it?
6) How do I build a deep neural network?

5. Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization

Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization
Mathematics is the foundation of ML, all the algorithms and programs that you will write, will somehow always be directly or indirectly related to Mathematics.
It is the foundation of a student learning ML, and this course called “Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization” is all designed to make your foundation solid strong.
It is one of the most recommend machine learning course by experts. This course will help in getting speed in the underlying mathematics, building an intuitive understanding, and relating it to Machine Learning and Data Science.
This course will teach you about what is linear algebra and how to it relates to data, what are vectors and matrices and how to work with them and use them for data fitting.
In the second section called Multivariate Calculus of this course, you will learn about how to optimize fitting functions to get good fits to data, what is calculus and how to uses it.
The third section, Dimensionality Reduction with Principal Component Analysis, will teach you about how to use the mathematics from the first and second sections, and how to compress high-dimensional data.
This course is of intermediate difficulty and will require basic Python and Numpy, knowledge, which you can quickly learn through above-mentioned books or from youtube.
At the end of this specialization, you will have gained the prerequisite mathematical knowledge to continue your journey and take more advanced courses in machine learning.

6. Machine Learning Fundamentals

Machine Learning Fundamentals
Machine Learning Fundamentals is a course offered by the University of California, San Diego.
In this 6th machine learning course, you will learn many different things and you will also use the knowledge that you gain from previous courses.
This course will be taught by Sanjoy Dasgupta, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, UC San Diego.
In this course, you will learn about the classification, regression, and conditional probability estimation, generative and discriminative models, linear models and extensions to nonlinearity using kernel methods.
You will also learn about ensemble methods, like boosting, bagging, random forests, representation learning: clustering, dimensionality reduction, autoencoders, deep nets.
The reason behind the selection of this course is that it also offers real-world case studies of Machine Learning.
By this real-world case studies you will learn how to classify images, identify salient topics in a corpus of documents, partition people according to personality profiles, and automatically capture the semantic structure of words and use it to categorize documents.
This course also offers an additional section called Data Science MicroMasters program, where you will learn a variety of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms and the theory behind those algorithms.
Note that all programming examples and assignments will be in Python, using Jupyter notebooks.
After successfully learning this course, you will be able to analyze many different types of data and to build descriptive and predictive models.

7. Machine Learning: Classification

Machine Learning: Classification courses

Machine Learning: Classification is one of the most enjoyable and knowledge riched machine learning course on this list.
It is divided into two sections, the first one is based on analyzing sentiment, where you will create models that predict a class (positive/negative sentiment) from input features (text of the reviews, user profile information).
The second section will have loan default prediction, where you will tackle financial data, and predict when a loan is likely to be risky or safe for the bank.
These tasks are examples of classification, one of the most widely used areas of machine learning, with a broad array of applications, including ad targeting, spam detection, medical diagnosis, and image classification.
This machine learning course will teach you how to create classifiers that provide state-of-the-art performance on a variety of tasks.
You will become familiar with the most successful techniques, which are most widely used in practice, including logistic regression, decision trees and boosting.
The major things this Machine Learning will cover be the input and output of a classification model, tackle both binary and multi-class classification problems, implement a logistic regression model for large-scale classification.
It will also teach you how to create a non-linear model using decision trees, improve the performance of any model using boosting and how to scale your methods with stochastic gradient ascent.
In addition to this, you will be able to design and implement the underlying algorithms that can learn these models at scale, using stochastic gradient ascent.
You will implement these technologies on real-world, large-scale machine learning tasks.
You will also address significant tasks, and real-world applications of ML, including handling missing data and measuring precision and recall to evaluate a classifier.
This course is hands-on, action-packed, and full of visualizations and illustrations of how these techniques will behave on real data.
It also included optional content in every module, covering advanced topics for those who want to go even deeper.
The concepts in this course will be implemented with Python.

8. Machine Learning: Regression

Machine Learning: Regression machine learning courses
In this machine learning course, you will learn more about regression in ML, regression is a measure of the relation between the mean value of one variable and corresponding values of other variables.
This course is divided into a number of sections in order to build an easy understanding.
The first section will be of predicting house prices, where you will create models that predict a continuous value from input features like square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
Other applications range from predicting health outcomes in medicine, stock prices in finance, and power usage in high-performance computing, to analyzing which regulators are important for gene expression.
In this machine learning course, you will explore regularized linear regression models for the task of prediction and feature selection.
You will be able to handle very large sets of features and select between models of various complexity.
You will also analyze the impact of aspects of your data such as outliers on your selected models and predictions. To fit these models, you will implement optimization algorithms that scale to large datasets.
The major things this Machine Learning will cover will be the input and output of a regression model, compare and contrast bias and variance when modeling data, estimate model parameters using optimization algorithms.
It will also cover tuning parameters with cross-validation, analyze the performance of the model, describe the notion of sparsity and how LASSO leads to sparse solutions, build a regression model to predict prices using a housing dataset.
The concepts in this course will be implemented with Python.

9. Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics

Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics machine learning courses
Though machine learning is sub-branch of AI, I find it mostly close to Data Science.
When you learn machine learning and play with it you will find that you are mostly interacting with data and using all its concepts, and at some point, you will also start feeling this way.
These days machine learning is now mostly using for searching the web, placing ads, credit scoring, stock trading and for many other applications, by doing this course you will also be able to do such things.
This data science course is an introduction to machine learning and algorithms.
From this machine learning course, you will develop a basic understanding of the principles of machine learning and derive practical solutions using predictive analytics.
This course will also help you understand why algorithms play an essential role in Big Data analysis.
In this course, you will learn what machine learning is and how it is related to statistics and data analysis.
At the start of this course, you learn how machine learning uses computer algorithms to search for patterns in data, how to use data patterns to make decisions and predictions with real-world examples from healthcare involving genomics and preterm birth.
It will also teach you about how to uncover hidden themes in large collections of documents using topic modeling, how to prepare data, deal with missing data and create custom data analysis solutions for different industries, basic and frequently used algorithmic techniques like sorting, searching, greedy algorithms and dynamic programming
This course will be taught by Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Cliff Stein, David Blei, Itsik Peer, Mihalis Yannakakis and Peter Orbanz.

10. Foundations of Data Science: Prediction and Machine Learning

Foundations of Data Science: Prediction and Machine Learning courses
I know you might be getting sucked or bore with predictions and regression, but believe me, this machine learning course will definitely help you to level up your knowledge and skills that you have achieved through previous courses.
This course called “Foundations of Data Science: Prediction and Machine Learning” mainly focuses on regression and classification, to automatically identify patterns in your data and make better predictions.
One of the principal responsibilities of a data scientist is to make reliable predictions based on data. When the amount of data available is enormous, it helps if some of the analysis can be automated.
Machine learning is a way of identifying patterns in data and using them to automatically make predictions or decisions. In this data science course, you will learn the basic concepts and elements of machine learning.
The two main methods of machine learning you will focus on are regression and classification.
Regression is used when you seek to predict a numerical quantity. Classification is used when you try to predict a category e.g, given information about a financial transaction, predict whether it is fraudulent or legitimate.
For regression, you will learn how to measure the correlation between two variables and compute a best-fit line for making predictions when the underlying relationship is linear.
The course will also teach you how to quantify the uncertainty in your prediction using the bootstrap method. These techniques will be motivated by a wide range of examples.
For classification, you will learn the k-nearest neighbor classification algorithm, learn how to measure the effectiveness of your classifier, and apply it to real-world tasks including medical diagnoses and predicting genres of movies.
The course will highlight the assumptions underlying the techniques and will provide ways to assess whether those assumptions are good. It will also point out pitfalls that lead to overly optimistic or inaccurate predictions.
The major concepts that this course covers are fundamental concepts of machine learning. linear regression, correlation, and the phenomenon of regression to the mean, classification using the k-nearest neighbors’ algorithm, how to compare and evaluate the accuracy of machine learning models, basic probability and Bayes’ theorem.
This course will be taught by Ani Adhikari Teaching Professor of Statistics UC Berkeley,  John DeNero Giancarlo Teaching Fellow in the EECS Department UC  Berkeley, David Wagner Professor of Computer Science UC Berkeley.
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11. Dynamic Programming: Applications In Machine Learning and Genomics

Dynamic Programming: Applications In Machine Learning and Genomics
If you look at two genes that serve the same purpose in two different species, how can you rigorously compare these genes in order to see how they have evolved away from each other? And the answer to this question will be in this 11th machine learning course.
Our 11th machine learning course will be taught Pavel Pevzner Ronald R. Taylor Professor of the Computer Science the University of California, San DiegoPhillip Compeau Assistant Teaching Professor Carnegie Mellon University.
In this course, you will get introduced to Algorithms and Data Structures MicroMasters program, where you will see how the dynamic programming paradigm can be used to solve a variety of different questions related to pairwise and multiple string comparison.
This course will teach you dynamic programming and how it applies to basic string comparison algorithms, sequence alignment, including how to generalize dynamic programming algorithms to handle different cases, hidden Markov models.
It will also teach you about how to find the most likely sequence of events given a collection of outcomes and limited information, Machine learning in the sequence alignment.
In the second part of the course, you will see how a powerful machine learning approach, using a Hidden Markov Model, can dig deeper and find relationships between less obviously related sequences, such as areas of the rapidly mutating HIV genome.
This is one of the amazing course we have up to in this list of best machine learning courses.

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