Thursday, August 27, 2020

Plandemic: Waking up to a new reality (Video)



Over the last few months, I have tried to listen and understand as much as possible about the new and sudden epidemic of Covid-19.

Why such a dissonance between the not so frightening statistics and the unbelievable over reactions around the world?

Why dissenting doctors and Nobel prize winners are silenced with such ferocity? 

Conversely, why other doctors and scientists defend thesis which are manifestly not only wrong but proven wrong?

As a scientist myself and a statistician, I found it amazing how suddenly, the scientific method and the validation system it requires is thrown out the window and plays second fiddle to political expediency.

From the beginning, I have been critical of China, as clearly overwhelming evidence was showing that they "let the bug out of the lab", but at the same time, could not understand the reluctance of other scientists to condemn what happened in Wuhan. It is only with insight that the global picture came into view. The responsibility of scientists around the globe for not only helping build the laboratory, but sending and supporting in Wuhan, research that could not be officially conducted in other countries. 

This video put the pieces together. 


But as it makes clear, the problem we have now is not a pandemic. It is a full scale social experiment which is being conducted on a grand scale. 

From the early times of Edward Bernays, we have learnt that society works according to rules which are complex and although based on human psychology are on a different scale and fundamentally distinct. And slowly through the years we have learned to use them to manipulate the masses. 

The end of independent journalism,  the use of "choc doctrine", of advertising methods not to "convince" people but to "prime" them to receive a message. (This is one of the great misunderstanding of how advertising really works. It does not intend to "sell" anything to you, only speak one word at a time to your subconscious.) All this put together has generated the world in which we live today. A world of mirrors where almost nothing of what people believe is true. 

We ridicule the Middle age, the inquisition and its obscurantism without realizing that we have done very little progress since and almost all of it is veneer thin and prone to be scratched off in an instant. 

I post this video, not because I believe what it says or to convince anyone but because it contains true statements. Even if "everything" is not necessarily true it is good "food for thought". As Plato said, the truth is a fleeting reality that no human mind can ever expect to reach. But intelligence is what gives us the ability to think, question and doubt, and eventually progress. This is but a feeble candle in the night but this is our one hope for a better future. In this, I share the ending optimism of this documentary.


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