Tuesday, June 28, 2022

COVID Falls From G7 Agenda - Focus Now On Russia, Russia, Russia


 The war in Ukraine has become existential for the West. When the country falls, it is the whole financial construction which goes with it. No wonder the war is "total". There can be only one winner: East or West. No compromise is possible. Everybody knows it. They just pretend it isn't so. Just playing for time. Likewise, Covid was little more than a trick to re-float the system: Too little, too late!

 But as the dollar based financial system becomes weaker, the stress keeps growing. Saudi Arabia, India and many other countries see the writing on the wall. Do you really want to put your fate in the hands of a woke, bankrupt, morally decrepit Western hegemon? China may not offer a very attractive world economic model but for a while, it will be multi-polar...

COVID Falls From G7 Agenda - Focus Now On Russia, Russia, Russia

Remember at the beginning of this year when you could not turn on the TV or log on to the web without being bombarded by a non-stop wave of covid fear mongering? 

Remember when you couldn't even ask questions about the validity of the claims made by Anthony Fauci, the CDC and others without getting booted from social media? 

Remember the insanity and the zealotry of the devout covid cult sitting in their cars with masks on, walking around outside with their masks on, and then getting right in people's faces when they didn't have a mask on?

The covid pandemic event was a near perfect combination of induced fear in the minds of cowards, along with induced authoritarianism in the minds of people who, deep down, desperately want to control everyone else around them.

Where did all the hype go?  It disappeared in a matter of weeks once the corporate media gave up on the narrative.  There were a few reasons for this...

First, the Infection Fatality Rate of covid was far too small to warrant all the doom mongering.  With an average IFR of only 0.27% (recently adjusted to 0.23%), the vast majority of people have nothing to worry about from the virus.  Second, the lie of the “pandemic of the unvaccinated was exposed.  In fact, states and countries that actually tracked “breakthrough infections” showed that the vaccinated were far more likely to get infected than people who were not vaccinated and had natural immunity.  Third, the vaccine passport efforts failed in the US at the federal level and in red states, and thus, the rest of the world saw that half the country could function perfectly fine without medical tyranny.

Once there is a working example that defies the medical tyranny model, other countries are going to demand answers for why they have to remain in lockdown while some people can be free?  Only a few nations with the most extreme authoritarianism (like China) continue to enforce lockdowns and vax controls.  

All the excuses for lockdowns and forced vaccinations fell apart in the US, and any further push for vax passports was inspiring millions of Americans to potentially take up arms.  So, the establishment walked away from the plan.  It was as simple as that.

This abandonment of the precious covid program has been made evident in the latest G7 summit, which does not seem to have covid listed as a topic of discussion, and the pandemic has so far been completely overshadowed by other concerns.  World leaders have clearly moved on and are not even wearing masks for show anymore (If the vaccines actually work, what do you need a mask for?  If they don't work, then why take one?).  Instead, the subject of Russia and the war in Ukraine is dominating G7.  Secondary topics include climate change and “gender equality.”

The notion of covid as a nothing-burger issue seems to fall in line with shifts in public focus.  Inflation is currently on the top of the list of biggest problems facing the US (and most other countries), followed by violent crime.  Covid rates at the very bottom of the list in polling.  

The G7 summit will surely touch on inflation and other economic issues, but they appear intent on doing so only as a way to blame Russia for our economic decline.  To reiterate a fact that Joe Biden and many other world leader refuse to admit to:  The inflation crisis started WAY before Russia invaded Ukraine.  While sanctions against Russia will definitely expound on supply chain problems, the bigger issue is central bank fiat printing and too many dollars chasing too few goods.  

The Ukraine situation is also fading as a subject of widespread outrage among Americans.  Europe is more immediately affected because of their dependency on Russian oil and natural gas, but questions are rising about why we should be so focused on Ukraine when there are much bigger problems closer to home.  Overall, establishment politicians continue to ignore the one issue that the majority of the world wants answers and solutions for, which is economic decline.  But, in order to offer answers, they would first have to acknowledge the true gravity of the threat, and they're not going to do that until it's far too late to do anything about it.

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