Tuesday, June 21, 2022

UFO investigation (Video 41')


 Can we actually do "science" about UFO?

 We have now so many credible report that I believe we can.

 First of all, let's limit our sample to pilots reports. Why pilots only? Because one of the skill you learn as a pilot is to observe the sky for obvious reasons and over time you learn to recognize planes and other flying objects, guess their distance and speed. The radio will tell you how far a plane is from you. You will then confirm that you have a visual and move on or change your speed and altitude as needed.

 Then let's forget about "lights in the sky". Everything you see at night however strange cannot be corroborated. Ordinary things can appear "strange" if you have too few clues which is usually the case at night.

 So what we end up with is hundreds of clear descriptions by professional people who can assess what they see and describe what is obviously "crafts" doing things we cannot understand based on physical laws.

What we know is the following:

1 - There are hundreds of different types of crafts with various shapes and aspects which move differently, slowly or very fast, with no obvious propulsion systems and no "shapes" we can understand like wings or engines.

First conclusion: We must be visited by many different beings with various technologies, all of them far superior to ours.

2 - They never ever interact directly with us, although there are some reports of interactions, but without actual proof, these are worth little. But conversely, they do not seem to care that we observe them. Not only visually but with radar and other instruments.

Second conclusion: The zoo hypothesis is the correct one! Never interact directly with a developing civilization. This rule is respected by all the crafts observing us so it must be an absolute rule. 

3 - Conversely, being observed does not seems to be a problem. Just as our planes taking pictures of isolated tribes in the Amazon. This too is interesting because it is likely that they could observe us without being seen but do no effort in this direction.

Third conclusion: They are actually showing us that they are not hostile. But also that they will not interfere with what we do. 

Based on these observations, what can we deduct and how could we proceed if we wanted to know more?

This I think is by far the most interesting part of the UFO phenomenon. 

The above observations tell us that almost everything we have imagined as science fiction concerning Aliens is incorrect.

They are neither aggressive nor friendly. 70 years of observation have produced little progress beyond "observations" so if we postulate as it seems to be the case that their technological advance on us is huge, it is very likely that another 70 years of observations will change nothing. They will most probably be careful to remain just out of reach of our most advanced technologies. (Just like our planes are always out of reach of Amazonian Indians arrows.) 

Faced with such a challenge, this is where statistics can help us.

Let's start by recording all credible observations: What type of craft doing what, when and where. Slowly, we should see patterns emerging. Do they observe our military capabilities a lot? (As seems to be the case according to the above video.) What are they interested in? Where are they? For what reason? Is there anything specific at that location beside human activities? Do they observe us or the planet? How is their presence increasing or decreasing with time and location? Are some specific types of crafts present at some time then replaced by others which would indicate that they come, observe us then move on? Or is there some permanent monitoring by specific vehicles which are observed again and again over time?

I believe that such analysis would help tremendously understand the phenomenon and explain part of it. Which unfortunately is not the part we are most interested in.

Who are they? Where do they come from? What are their intentions? This is all beyond our reach so no need to focus on this at this stage.

But the part we can analyze should be. (Maybe it is!) We have cameras and radars looking at debris and satellites in close Earth orbit. They can see objects of less that 10cm across. Are there any UFO in space on their way to and from Earth or are they all inexplicably close to the surface where we see most of them?  

Are radar observations all monitored automatically to identify as UFO what is not identified as plane? (and recorded as such?) 

There are many other things we could do to progress and try to understand better the phenomenon. Calling it "Alien" is not tin-pot science. It is an hypothesis which as observation numbers increase should (will) be proved or disproved. 

We should do it because the cost of these observations and recordings is almost nothing compared with what we invest in potentially destroying other human beings and conversely, the knowledge that we are not alone is one of the most important confirmation we are expecting from science. 

We are currently spending billions of dollars looking for micro-organisms on Mars which are probably not there (although we are right to be looking for them.) Why not spend a little more in trying to understand something right here, on Earth, which could completely transform our understanding of the Universe and maybe, hopefully our future.

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