Thursday, February 23, 2023

50% excess deaths in Germany

  More numbers, empty news. Unfortunately by the time the dam breaks which it will eventually, our news cycle will have moved to the next and far more important subject. Should we go to war with Russia or not?

  The clock is ticking...

Here is a quick update to look at the excess deaths and it is not looking good at all. Germany just had a spike of the highest levels of excess deaths since covid began.

You read that correctly. Germany had 50% excess deaths in the week ending December 25th, things were a little better with ”only” 44% excess deaths in the week ending January 1st.

Take a look at this graph here for yourself.

This is worse than at any point during covid. But covid is not what is causing these excess deaths now, as you can see here.

While there is some covid deaths, it is not nearly as much as it was in 2020 and 2021, meaning that the excess deaths Germany is seeing now is not because people are dying because of covid.

So what could be causing people to suddenly die at the such large numbers?

I think we all know why, but nobody wants to talk about.

I have written extensively in previous articles looking at what is causing all these excess deaths that we are seeing not only in Germany, but in countries all over Europe.

We have seen a big rise in people dying from heart problems. Make sure to check out my earlier article below:

The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden
Doctors sounding the alarm - Mysterious rise in excess deaths...
Something weird is happening and it is not being covered by the mainstream media. A large number of people are dying and doctors don't know why. They do know one thing. It is not only happening in one country. It is happening in many countries at the same time. Countries all over Europe are seeing very high excess death rates this year (meanwhile the birthrates have also mysteriously collapsed this year as well…
Read more

In fact, there was more excess deaths in 2022 than there was in 2021. Weird. Why are more people dying now despite everyone being vaccinated, or maybe that is the cause…?

Remember when they told you that everything would return to normal as soon as everyone got their shots and boosters. Yeah, that didn’t happen.

Screenshot from EuroMOMO ( 2022

Strangely, the countries of Romania and Bulgaria remain with very low excess deaths at the moment and they also happen to have very low mRNA vaccination rates compared with Germany and other countries with high excess deaths…

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