Monday, September 4, 2023

Arborist questions Maui WildFire and shares insights

   I do not know how long this video will stay on-line. (Probably long enough unless it gets some traction and gets deleted from YouTube.)

  This is pure conspiracy theory so let's forget about the answers, but the questions are still worth asking:

  What kind of fire can burn a house to ashes, crumbles concrete, melt metal but leaves nearby trees untouched?

  How comes eucalyptus leaves, full of combustible oils, survived unburned right in the middle of the conflagration? Likewise a building with a straw roof? 

  What are the odds of blue "things" surviving the fire while everything else, and we mean "everything" was burnt to the ground? (There is a great example of a row of cars completely burnt except for  a blue one right in the middle left untouched.)

  As a statistician, I deal with probabilities. Coincidences do happen. Likewise, correlation is not causation. Understood. But how far can you deviate from the norm (how many sigma) and still find nothing strange in the results? 

  I used to look at these kinds of events and explanations with a skeptic eye. Not anymore. I still do not buy all kind of protracted explanations but I now believe the questions are worth asking: What if?



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