Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Is Reality Real? - This One Idea Might Change Your Entire Life | Donald Hoffman (Video 2h43')

  This is a very, very long video but if even some of the ideas discussed are correct, then yes, it can change completely how you see you own life. 

  What is reality? What is consciousness? Could we live in a virtual world? 

  A few years ago I would have dismissed the idea right out of hand. Now, I am not so sure anymore. Quantum reality is little more than statistical probability collapsed into one perceived reality and we can now prove that our observations do change reality both in space AND in time. This is mind boggling unless you accept that what we perceive is... a local construct of reality. A virtual world in other words. Stunning!

 PS: I completely disagree with their concept of consciousness and a few other things but still find the video mind boggling and interesting. Likewise, you do not need to agree with the discussion to entertain and be interested by the concepts presented.

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