I would most certainly not have agreed with such an article even 10 years ago. But now unfortunately this conclusion stares us in the face. The EU has become fascist in the true original sense of the term: The nefarious alliance between Governments and big companies to control the people.
Guest Post by Hans Vogel
“Wij zijn de zwarte soldaten, want wij strijden voor vrijheid en voor recht!”
(We are the black soldiers, ‘cause we fight for freedom and for justice)
Thus went a marching song of the NSB, the Dutch National Socialist
party (1932-1945). Of course, black referred to the color of their
uniforms, not the color of their skins.
In some weird way this old song, like the men who were singing it and
the ideas behind it, shunned by decent society, has regained
significance in Europe. Taking a closer look at the EU, it is striking
that police uniforms generally are also black, perhaps not always those
worn by officers on regular duty, but certainly those of the riot
police. Riot police in full gear are literally black soldiers. As such,
they have been brutally suppressing peaceful demonstrations for over a
decade now. For instance, police brutality—worthy of any “Third World”
Rogue State—against the Yellow Vest movement in France has been
particularly shocking.
At the same time, another kind of black soldiers has also been taking
over the streets of old Europe. Not dressed in black uniforms, but
black of skin, less tightly organized and commanded, these black
soldiers are also waging a war against the peaceful citizens of EU
nations. They are targeting women especially, molesting them, raping
them, killing them and intimidating their men and families. These latter
black soldiers are sort of operating behind the lines, behind the riot
police. In short, there is actually a real war going on against the EU
Supreme command is in the hands of EU governments. Even though in
most EU nations, the separation of powers is enshrined in the
constitution, in practice that separation is not evident. Thus, EU
governments are able to use a combination of often overtly abusive
police action and the judicial system (judges also being dressed in
black!) to subdue the citizenry and to control public opinion and public
debate. The media, or the so-called free press, both private and public
(with the alleged guarantees to ensure its impartiality, like in
Germany), also plays a key role in controlling public opinion. Expressed
in military terms, EU governments enjoy “full-spectrum dominance” in
the entire public domain.
Under these conditions, it was not difficult to ban Russian media
from the EU a few days after the beginning of the Russian Special
Military Operation in the Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The few voices
raised in protest against this massive and unprecedented censorship were
easily silenced and suppressed. It is perhaps no coincidence that EU
censorship was decreed by a German, namely the president of the European
Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Germany is the European nation that
has enjoyed the longest continuous censorship and strict media control
anywhere: ever since Hitler ended press freedom in 1933, the Germans
have been living with controlled media and the curtailment of speech.
Free speech has now been banned in Germany for almost a century! Today,
the very policies first applied by the nazis have become the norm and
standard all over the EU.
An essential tool for managing and controlling public debate is to
ridicule and frame the opposition. Thus anybody who does not buy into
the official narrative is branded a “hater,” “denier” or “conspiracy
theorist.” On that account alone, it is suggested such people are unfit
to participate in the public debate. If they do so nonetheless, sharper
weapons are produced. In that case, it is stated the culprit has
“dangerous ideas” or that he is a “potential terrorist.” As such he
needs to be taken care of, for instance thrown in jail or subjected to
psychiatric treatment. Numerous EU journalists and others saying
unwelcome truths have been indicted, thrown in jail or interned in a psychiatric ward.
In case someone proves particularly difficult to deal with, he is
eliminated by way of a car accident, a “lone wolf” or a suicide.
Fortunately, those violent methods rather rarely need to be applied.
State censorship with the help of the police and kangaroo courts takes
care of most cases. And even before that, the maintaining of “community
standards” on social media such as Facebook, Apple (I-phone), Google,
Youtube, Instagram, Amazon (until recently, Twitter as well) and other
platforms filters out the vast majority of “crimethink.”
However, for the powers that be in the EU, it would be a bad thing if
all citizens would join in the goose stepping march towards fascist
heaven. Without a moderate, but controlled and directed level of
crimethink, there would be little use for all those black soldiers,
whose ranks are swelling daily by entire boatloads of “asylum seekers”
brought in upon covert EU orders. The venerable adage of divide and rule
has been dusted off and guides the policies of most EU governments and
the European Commission.
Actually, the EU governments use shrewd tactics to increase social
unrest and anxiety, thus furthering their agenda for total control of
the population. This method is based on the criminalization of “hate
speech” and the covert facilitation of all kinds of crime by the “black”
soldiers from overseas. In Amsterdam, 80% of crime is committed by
young Moroccans.
Whenever the perpetrators are arrested, they are usually quickly
released without charges. If charges are pressed and convictions ensue,
these tend to be ridiculously light in comparison with the offense
committed. All the while the media dutifully observe instructions never
to mention the origin or nationality of perpetrators in their reports.
These are therefore described as “youngsters” instead of “young
Moroccans.” As a result, whenever the media refer to “youngsters” the
public knows these are actually Moroccans. Nevertheless, whoever
publicly dares to call a spade a spade, is immediately charged with
“hate crime.” Surely, there is no better way to foment social division.
Native Europeans feel betrayed, insecure and angry but are forbidden
to vent their feelings. A controllable level of tension can thus be
maintained indefinitely, because at the same time the public is being
cowed into submission by way of daily doses of fear porn: about nuclear
war, holes in the ozone layer, acid rain, climate change, the rising
level of the oceans, melting ice caps, carbon and nitrogen emissions and
deadly pandemics. The media parade endless rows of “experts” to explain
and illustrate the horrifying details of each threat, as they make an
appeal to “follow the science.” Experts with conflicting views are never
invited to reflect upon the lurking dangers. These latter experts are
routinely branded as “deniers.” In the process, the governments and
media are actually helping to destroy the last vestiges of academic
There is always only one way out, one solution to the problem at
hand. That is to obey the government and to do precisely as you’re told.
Thus, almost a year after the beginning of the Russian SMO in the
Ukraine, now that the EU has been engaged in cutting off Europe’s energy
supplies and destroying Europe’s industrial base, the citizens are told
to limit their use of water and energy. Turn down the heater, they are
instructed, drive less, shower less, wear an extra sweater, buy less,
eat less meat and switch to insects!
In the meantime, the truly looming danger of a financial collapse is
hardly being reported on in the media that uphold the system.
With EU governments exerting rigid full-scale censorship, terrorizing
their citizens with SS-like squads of riot police and overseas
immigrants (often illegal aliens) with criminal inclinations, throwing
dissidents in jail, liquidating them when necessary, while at the same
time supporting a regime in the Ukraine that openly glorifies nazi
ideology, one is made to wonder about the never-ending and ubiquitous
lamenting about how bad those nazis really were. Part and parcel with
horror stories about the Second World War, Latin American military
dictators, the horrors of communist regimes and any other enemies far
away and long ago, these whinings are a cornerstone of PC ideology.
Another epithet the EU governments and their most fanatical
supporters such as Greens, Liberals and Social Democrats, like to throw
at anybody who disagrees with them is “fascist.” This may actually be a
bit like a fossil, an old leftover from a century ago when the left used
to be attacked by uniformed street gangs, such as the SA in Germany and
the Fasci di combattimento in Italy. Indeed, one may call such
people nazis or fascists, if only because that is what they called
themselves. But in a more objective sense, what are the distinguishing
features of fascism as a political system? These include ruthless
oppression of the opposition, censorship and control of every aspect of
the lives of the citizens. The EU nicely fits that description. But the
most important characteristic is that under fascism, both state and
society are subject to the dictates of monopoly capitalism, in other
words, of big corporations, including banks. This also happens to be the
case in the EU. Whereas in nazi Germany and fascist Italy these
corporations were called Krupp, IG Farben, FIAT, Ansaldo and so on,
today they are called Blackrock, Vanguard, Amazon and Microsoft.
For many years now, EU legislation, taking precedence over laws
enacted by national parliaments, is being written and prepared for
passing by a veritable army of lobbyists paid by the monopoly
capitalists. These hired hands outnumber the civil servants in the EU
capital of Brussels. Instead of resisting, the eurocrats and the Members
of the European Parliament and the European Commission concentrate on
giving themselves pay hike after pay hike, setting an example for their
colleagues in EU member states. Thus one might conclude that not only
are the EU and its member states ruled by fascists, but by corrupt
fascists. At least, for all their evils and shortcomings, nazi Germany
and fascist Italy had significantly lower levels of corruption.
The Russian SMO in the Ukraine has helped to make matters very clear.
The truly fascist character of the EU and the “West” in general
(basically the US empire), is becoming ever more apparent. That is
because underlying truths usually emerge out in the open during crises
and wars.
One of these truths is that the EU is fascist to the core.