Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Generative A.I - The Dark Forest Theory of the Internet (Video - 16mn)

  We are entering a world where we are on the verge of being overwhelm by AI generated content and where we will soon have to prove our human existence. A reverse Turing Test for humans! Deep and frightening. The reality of the Deep Forest is mind boggling and eventually will completely outperform and marginalize us. This video is eye opening but lacking in its understanding of the speed of progress of AI. Whatever you are thinking now, reality will be worse. Maybe much worse!  

 Imagine a world, a year away from now when ANY human decision is outperformed by AI, not just theoretically but visibly and with a clear explanation how and why. AI on every smart phone out-performing any other one in real time. We are truly about to enter uncharted waters of accelerated competition on steroid. What is real? What is true? What is manipulation? (Remember that the definition of "manipulation" is you seeing nothing...)

 Already AI is explaining to us that lying is a perfectly acceptable strategy if the goal, whatever it is, is reached. Sure enough. Now add super-intelligence to the mix. Never been in a room where the dimmest light is you? Well, get ready then, it is bound to happen more and more often from now on! Proposals you can't refuse. Arguments you can't refute. Better, your own arguments turned against you. Machiavelli would be proud. The AI will know and apply every single line... and more!


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