Sunday, July 7, 2024

Why the Ukraine War Will Break Europe FOREVER! (Video - 15mn)

   Excellent long term analysis of the Ukraine war. Could this fight between NATO (the US mostly) and Russia end up destroying Europe? We may see the first signs of this today in France (Sunday July 7th, 2024) but if not, soon after. 

  The issue will then morph into a major fight between the Internationalists (WEF and the soup of other acronyms) and the Nationalists (BRICS and other developing countries centered on China.) As the economic power shifts from West to East, so will political power sooner or later. 

  Global elites understand this and can't let it happen which is why the risk of war is so high. On the other hand, they must rely of Westerners not understanding that they are fighting for these hegemons against their own interest. This has already been going on for a while but are we approaching the end game when the people finally say "NO"? Let see what happens in France in the coming weeks. 


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