Thank you for the several feed-backs I received recently. As most of my readers may have noticed, this blog is apolitical, I do not believe that one side is right and the others are wrong but that truth is usually in-between in a fractal space of dimension 2.1684 (Why this number? Answer incoming.) Still this applies to ideologies, not facts. Concerning these, I do have beliefs and sometimes defend then regardless of who appropriated them in the first place. In the end, I am mostly conservative but with deeply revolutionary ideas lurking under placid waters.
Here's one revolutionary idea I have been working on for some time now: The fractal nature of the Universe. And here's the best, most accurate representation I have found for the time being. (Although it is originally a mathematical construct which wasn't built with a particular application in mind.)
The interpretation is the following: The cube represents the organization of information and complexification of the Universe. Each level of the cube represents a paradigm such as; Waves and quantum dynamics at the highest level, Particles and Physics, Molecules and Chemistry, DNA and Life, Brain and Intelligence, Mankind and Culture.
Each stage is emergent and made of laws or constraints like Evolution for life for example represented by the sides. They Emerge green, develop and mature independently to become red. When all the sides of a cube are mature, we reach a transition phase and the next level of the cube emerges. This structure represents the complexification of systems, understood as a localized "force" opposed to the more general Entropy which permeates the Universe.
For better understanding, the next level of the above Menger fractal Cube is the following;
I have tried to represent the dynamic evolution of this cube with ChatGPT but unfortunately although it understands perfectly and "likes" what I an trying to visualize, it is for now unable to write the Python code to animate such a cube. (It takes far too many steps. But I suspect the reason is that it is trying to draw the image instead of writing it as a mathematical object which in any case would still be complex.)
This anyway is still an early interpretation. I will update this analogy and representation later as better results emerge from the work and discussions.
And yes, the dimension of this fractal cube is: 2.1684
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