Saturday, September 21, 2019

Are we on the edge of a recession?

Are We on the edge of a recession?

The simple answer to this question based on economic macro data and market indexes is a  straightforward 'yes' as we predicted earlier this year and as confirmed by the analysis of David Hay below. But the more complex answer is that our financial system is now leveraged to the point that Central Banks cannot allow a recession to take place less we start our descent into a depression.

So what happens next?

This article is based on a market research recently published on Zero Hedge which can be found through the link below:
Authored by David Hay via Evergreen Gavekal blog,  
and partly copied for its most relevant aspects after the article.

In the short term, nothing much above the waterline. Volatility will stay high and markets will go nowhere. That is until the prophetic black swan strikes and exposes the gigantic financial house of cards we have constructed over the last 20 years. But below the waterline, we are already in crisis management. In the US, the Fed will not repeat the mistake of 2008 and is ready to flood the market with liquidity on short notice as was displayed last week in the Repo market.

Japan has been in this "zombie economy" state for the last 30 years. In and out of recession every other month while it's economy shrank from 18% of the world economy in 1994 to just above 5% now! This process has been imperceptible in Tokyo where growth is concentrated but devastating the further away from the capital you go with smaller local cities shrinking into nonexistence especially on the Japan sea coast, Tohoku and Shikoku areas.

Europe has been more contrasted although the financial dislocation has been deeper lately with negative rates affecting most countries. The damage of these rates cannot be overstated as government debt crowds out investment and therefore growth in the long term as surely as in Japan.

What is left now to avoid a global recession is the American consumer and the Chinese investment bubble. The later has been slowing down markedly over the last 2 years with the trade dispute intensifying and the former leveraged to the hilt is heading towards a rather gloomy year-end.  

So however you look at it, the recession that cannot happen less we find that everyone was swimming naked is approaching fast. Massaging employment figures and other macro-economic data has become a habit nowadays with hedonistic adjustment skillfully added to minimize inflation and employment data that a communist apparatchik could second guess months in advance. (They are then restated with real data a year later, usually lower but by then who cares!)

What Central Banks have discovered over the years is not financial wisdom in managing carefully money creation but that economic cycles are mostly amplified by psychological factors and that consequently to avoid panics, the back-mirrors indexes on which they focus must stay bright whatever the road ahead, which they have few tools to assess, looks like.

And here we are at the end of 2019, on the edge of the precipice, with shrinking international trade, 75% of the most important interest rates in Europe negative, an inverted yield curve in the US which means that you should stay as liquid as possible and invest 'another day', waiting for a black swan, hoping that an approaching election is the US will prevent a maverick president to rock the boat and that anyway should 'anything' happen, The Fed, ECB, BOJ and BOC will know what to do! Good luck with that!

Today, people are concerned with global warming and other long term social issues. In a year of so, economic priorities will be on top of their list once again. Did you say Paradigm Shift?

Update 23 Sep 2019
Korea is one of the earliest country to publish its trade data every month.
These are 'real' numbers unlike other composite 'estimates' like employment and they are not pretty! We are probably already in a recession!
  • Exports to China -29.8%;
  • Exports to U.S. -20.7%;
  • Export to EU -12.9%;

  • Exports to Japan -13.5%

Deja-Vu 2000 Or Flashback 2007? (Part-2)

“The experience in Japan, Europe, or even the US, is that once you get into a near-zero interest-rate regime, it’s kind of a black hole. The economy tends to be pulled in, and once there, it’s difficult to escape.” - Larry Summers, former US Secretary of the Treasury.
“The US economy is in far worse shape than the Q2 GDP data suggest. Only the consumer is preventing a recession at the moment, and that is only happening because of stepped-up credit usage and a corresponding dip in the savings rate.” - David Rosenberg.
“The best signal of a recession is not an inverted yield curve. It’s the inversion occurring and then going away.” - DoubleLine Funds lead portfolio manager, Jeffrey Gundlach
  • Evidence, such as the yield curve inversion, is mounting that later this year, or in the first half of 2020, the US could find itself in the midst of a recession.
  • However, it’s fair to note that not all US recession indicator warnings are lit up.
  • The planet’s banks are facing a trifecta of troubles from zero and sub-zero rates, generally inverted yield curves, and tight credit spreads.
  • The eradication of interest rates is also the kiss of death for insurance companies, pension plans, and retired investors.
  • In our view, a window of opportunity has opened up with certain high-yield equities that are in out-of-favor industries.
Let’s return to one of the most pressing questions facing investors right now, one we also discussed last week: Namely, how probable is a recession this year or next? The renowned David Rosenberg, who was one of the handful of economists to predict the 2007 downturn, thinks the US may be in one now. Evergreen doubts that, but the evidence is mounting that perhaps later this year, or in the first half of 2020, we could be in the midst of one (a topic I’ll return to at the close of this “Bubble 3.0” chapter).
Moreover, just this week the man considered the new King of Bonds, Jeff Gundlach, made the bold call that he believes there is a 75% chance of a US recession prior to next year’s presidential election. This is despite a growing chorus in the financial media lately singing the tune that the global economy is reviving. (Presumably, per his quote at the top of page 1, the reason he believes an “un-inversion” is problematic is that these happen when the Fed is panicking and furiously cutting rates to stave off a recession.)
Again, returning to the inversion of the yield curve, a striking aspect is how virtually the entire curve is flipped, which is a rare occurrence. As David Rosenberg wrote two weeks ago in his daily Breakfast with Dave (a must read, in my opinion, for any serious investor), the Fed pays the most attention to the 3-month T-bill versus the 10-year T-note. As well they should; when that has stayed inverted for at least three straight months, a recession has occurred 100% of the time. Guess what just happened?

As David wrote on August 26th, “When it (the curve) was only flattening a year ago, the bulls said ‘it’ll never invert.’ When it began to, the bulls said “only 2s/10s matter.’* When that inverted, the bulls said, ‘it’s different this time’. Good grief.”
Senior Fed officials have been right in there with the no-worries consensus on the inverted yield curve but at least one of them is breaking with their complacent ranks. St. Louis Fed-head James Bullard recently insisted that our central bank’s main priority should be normalizing the yield curve. He added that he has no interest in hearing any of his colleagues’ rationalizations about why this time is different, perhaps because he’s laser-focused on the chart above showing the 3-month/10-year inversion.
As David Rosenberg further wrote in his 8/26 Breakfast with Dave missive, “…the reality is that it is a very rare circumstance when the ENTIRE yield curve is inverted from the Fed funds to the 30-year Treasury bond…So we have 50 years’ worth of data and nine periods where the entire yield curve…inverted. I’m sure it’s always different to some, but of these nine episodes (where a full inversion occurred), we had eight recessions to follow.”
Similarly, my great friend Grant Williams recently wrote that the New York Fed’s treasury spread monitor has had a flawless recession forecasting record since 1960. This is most ironic since the Fed itself has missed every one, not just over the last 60 years but going all the way back to the end of WWII.

Source: Things That Make You Go Hmmm
As you likely surmised, the New York Fed’s indicator is strictly a function of the yield curve. Consequently, James (No Bull) Bullard’s appraisal on the urgency of normalizing the yield curve is certainly logical.
The way in which the Fed would try to get the curve uninverted is to slash interest rates fast and hard. It might also seek to “twist” the yield curve, as it has done in the past, by selling longer term securities (thereby driving their prices down and yields up) and buying shorter maturities (pushing their rates down).
*The inversion of the 2-year vs the 10-year treasury notes.
Regardless, the majority of commentators continue to diss the yield curve’s message. Frankly, I would have more sympathy for this view if it wasn’t for the swelling body of evidence indicating this expansion is close to fork-sticking time. Past EVAs have often discussed the Chicago National Activity Index because it is the broadest of all US economic measures, consisting of 85 different components. This index has eroded in seven of the past eight months. This isn’t proof-positive of a looming contraction but it’s a serious alarm bell.   Additionally, the closely-watched US ISM (Institute of Supply Management) manufacturing index was reported earlier this month and it was a dismal 49.1 (below 50 signifies contraction). Worse yet, the forward-looking New Orders sub-index was a very weak 47.2.
The stock market is clearly sniffing this out. The cyclical elements of the S&P 500 were recently down 17% from their peak levels, not far from actual bear market territory, defined as falling more than 20% from a zenith point. (This week has seen a partial reversal of this decline.)
As we’ve often noted in these pages, the shining star of this expansion has been the jobs market. But as we’ve also been observing in earlier EVAs, labor market conditions are fraying. Lately, that’s turned into an outright rip. The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently announced a 500,000-job downward revision through this past March.
Make Job Creation Great Again

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Danielle DiMartino Booth
Speaking of revisions, and returning to the earnings theme, there was a recent momentous recalculation by the government that has received little notice outside of these pages, Charles Schwab’s Liz Ann Sonders, David Rosenberg and another friend of mine, Danielle DiMartino Booth. This revision had the effect of erasing all pre-tax profit growth for Corporate America back to—are you ready for this—year-end 2011.
For some reason, when the perma-bulls briefly concede this point, they invariably say since 2016. While that’s technically true, what they fail to mention is that the earlier earnings recession in 2015 brought profits back to where they were at the end of 2011. Note that this is on a pre-tax basis for both public and private companies, so it excludes the steroid effect of the Trump corporate tax cut and also the ultimate performance-enhancing drug of share buy-backs. There’s little doubt that the Fed’s eight-year suppression of interest rates, before it belatedly tried to raise them back to “normal”, was the great enabler of the stock repurchase mania. (Note that it was only able to raise up to 2 3/8% on the fed funds rate before the market started cracking; this is the first time since the 1930s, by the way, that such a miniscule interest level caused a stock market seizure.)
It’s fair to note that not all US recession indicator warnings are lit up. The Index of Leading Economic Indicators (LEIs) still looks reasonably robust, as does consumer spending (though the latter has been goosed lately by rising borrowings and falling savings). Moreover, credit spreads (the yield difference between US government and corporate bonds) remain tight. These often begin to widen materially before serious economic and market dislocations occur. However, in last year’s traumatic fourth quarter, credit spreads seemed to follow the stock market rather than lead it, a most unusual development.
But there might be another message from both the yield curve and credit spreads that the never-say-die crowd is missing. In a recent riveting interview, Donald Amstad of Aberdeen Standard makes the critical point that the banking industry’s profitability is driven by three key factors: high interest rates (at least well above zero), steep yield curves (deposit rates low and further-out lending rates well above those), and wide credit spreads (because banks are essentially spread investors, borrowing at near government bond rates and lending out, usually, at higher yields to at least somewhat risky borrowers, like companies and consumers).
Consequently, the planet’s banks are facing a trifecta of troubles from zero and sub-zero rates, generally inverted yield curves, and tight credit spreads. Undoubtedly, those profit-sucking factors are why European bank stocks recently broke below their global financial crisis lows. Think about that for a moment: eurozone banking shares hit a lower low last month than was seen during the worst financial panic since the Great Depression.

Source: Bloomberg, Evergreen Gavekal
It’s not a lot better in the rest of the developed world, even in the US which, at least for now, still has positive interest rates, notwithstanding the inverted yield curve in the States. The chart of American banks looks a lot better than their European counterparts but it’s not great. And neither is the trading pattern of Japan’s banking sector.

Source: Bloomberg, Evergreen Gavekal
Of course, as noted in prior EVAs, the eradication of interest rates is also the kiss of death for insurance companies, pension plans, and the retired, or soon to be, investor class, a point vehemently made in last month’s Guest EVA, “The Disaster of Negative Interest Policy”. John Maynard Keynes, the progenitor of both Keynesian economics and the term “euthanasia of the rentier*” must be grinning from ear-to-ear these days from wherever his soul resides. The mega-problem, though, is that it’s nearly impossible to have a healthy economy without a healthy banking system.
As we know, minimal to non-existent interest rates have done the double prop-up duty of pushing older investors into stocks (more to follow on this shortly) and providing corporations with cheap financing with which to repurchase their own shares. These are certainly two key reasons why the S&P 500 has been remarkably resilient despite a long and growing list of risks, some of the mega-variety (like the escalating trade war). This is why US stocks trade at one of the most generous multiples of overall corporate earnings ever seen, outside of the last few years of the tech bubble.
Stocks Very High Verses Overall Corporate Profits

Source: Ned Davis Research, August 28th, 2019
*Rentier is a synonym, in this case, for lender or investor.
Despite the big downward revision to pre-tax profits, after-tax earnings per share remain quite lofty, though they are clearly eroding. Thus, the US stock market is elevated even compared to what are likely to be top-of-the-cycle profits. In addition to the recent profits downshift, the following chart from my friend Paban Pandey in his always interesting Hedgopia service shows the growing gap (sorry) between GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principle earnings) and non-GAAP (earnings minus all the bad stuff companies want you to ignore).   This growing differential is a classic sign the end is nigh for this particular profits bull market.

Note that the GAAP/Non-GAAP comparison really gapped (there I go again) in 2007 right before the Great Recession. In fact, on a percentage basis that one year was worse than any seen recently. However, the persistence of the wide differential since 2016 is noteworthy. On a cumulative basis, the spread between fact and fiction appears to be the greatest ever seen prior to the onset of a recession and bear market over the last 30 years. Yet, how often do you hear about this in the mainstream financial media? How about almost never.
Once again, though, the market may have picked up the scent. The S&P has risen just 5% from where it was in January of 2018, despite this week’s rally (which, fortunately, has been led by the undervalued part of the two-tier market we’ve been talking about). Coincidentally, I began this “Bubble 3.0” series a month earlier, in December, 2017. The main focus of my ire at the time was the biggest bubble in human history: Bitcoin and the other crypto currencies. Since then, we’ve had a series of other bubbles such as in pot stocks like Tilray, US new issues (IPOs), and allegedly high-growth momentum stocks.

The rest of the article is less relevant to our point and can be found on:


R2 vs Rexhor! (Weekend Humor)

Data can tell you whatever you want to hear.
Look and you will find!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Basics of AI - Backpropagation (Video)

This is a superb and very simple explanation of one of the basic concepts of AI. This should be included in most advanced math curriculum if only to demystify what AI really is. (PS: The explanation is technical but not very complicated and taking the example of a shower it shows that there is mathematics behind the things we do intuitively every morning! It also explains why AI can now distinguish dogs from cats or recognize individual faces, one of the most dangerous technology ever invented as we will see in future posts.)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

From data to paradigm

Data has no meaning without context!

which is why everyone is so busy creating context to influence us. Influence enough people and you create a paradigm which will shape how people perceive reality.

This is especially true about the "gatekeepers": Google, Facebook and Amazon which respectively control information access, social networks and retail.

Soon with AI, that control will become dynamic and adaptive and will mold our thinking without people even realizing what is going on. AI will not enhance our intelligence, it will replace it, dumbing down everything it touches with AI powered easy to use apps which will slowly takeover our every day chores. This is not liberation, it is enslavement as soon enough your "navigator" will tell you "smartly" that you are not allowed to turn left, fastest or optimum option is right. No discussion possible, "smart car" directed by "smart city" is in charge.

This is still the future but it is the one we are busy building up at this very moment. Contrary to the video, I do not believe this is "planned". We are just rushing towards a future we do not completely understand and which outcome we are not capable of shaping.

A matrix by default?

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Siri, Cortana, Alexa and AI (Weekend Humor)

Not there yet but will our online assistants be the first to show early signs of intelligence? That would be quite amazing because such AI would be stumbled into instead of created by design. This is possible but unlikely. There must be a few basic principles such as backward propagation which still elude us. Then there is pure intelligence where the right deductions are generated without awareness and a more advance system with a self which "thinks" nonstop without being stimulated. As we progress, the steps will probably be more numerous and complex. Jealousy and humor are still our prerogative for some time! 

Friday, July 26, 2019

The death of third party data

Interesting article published on Technative

Interesting but incomplete!
There is a mix up of understanding between 3rd party using the data for access to clients and companies using 3rd party data to get more insight into the clients. This is not the same!

In one case, you have intrusion and this is what people react to quite legitimately. In the other case, we are talking about necessary insight into people behavior in order to do marketing properly. Without insight and context, you cannot do "personalized" marketing.

Marketing personalization will more and more rely on AI systems and these systems will need more and more data to perform efficiently. Complex models may eventually replace data but these have to be built and to do that you will need data, lots of data!

With GDPR in full force, the days of third party data are numbered

The regulation has been the catalyst for new concerns around how companies are using our personal information, and there is heightened awareness around how anonymous third-party data cookies are tracking us around the internet. In a post-GDPR world, sensitivity to intrusive online ads has never been so strong.
And it’s a justified cause for concern. Imagine going into H&M and someone walking up to you to sell a Primark T-shirt. It wouldn’t feel right, but that’s exactly what ad space is doing. You could be on a travel website and another completely different company, with no affiliation, not only knows that you’ve been there but that you’ve made a purchase.
This abuse of third party data has become the norm, with too many companies crossing the line and violating consumer’s privacy. And let’s not forget, this practice has been technically possible and legally allowed. What Facebook and Cambridge Analytica did, for example, didn’t break the law. They abused something they were allowed to abuse. But consumers have become savvier when it comes to their data and they rightly called ethics into question.
In this climate, marketers need to be prepared for a backlash on a much wider scale, and for the spotlight on ethics to kill acquisition marketing. Data Management Platforms (DMPs), which currently allow marketers to access huge volumes of third-party data way beyond the resources of the individual marketer, will become a thing of the past. Or marketers will at least have to accept that there will be radical changes or limitations for these platforms to function within GDPR regulations.

Putting retention marketing centre stage

This will put significant pressure on CMOs to shift their focus to providing the best possible experience to existing customers, targeting known email addresses and mobile numbers instead of using cookie crumbs. The beauty of retention marketing is that the brand has already won the customer over at some point in the past, so they are likely to be more receptive to personalised content and engagements.
Forrester research shows that the majority are already onto this trend. In 2017, CMO spend on customer growth and retention outpaced budgets for customer acquisition by an almost 2:1 ratio (63% and 37% share of budgets, respectively). That’s good progress when we consider that ten years ago the use of third party data dominated. But there’s still a long way to go and marketers should be working to get their acquisition budgets right down to meet customer expectations.

Turning first party data into a gold mine

The next challenge for marketers is to maximise spend on retention marketing and make first party data a powerful addition to their omnichannel strategy. For example, as customers voluntarily follow a brand’s social channel, it makes sense to tap into this as much as possible. Retention marketers have the opportunity here to transform communication and capitalise on tighter customer relationships across the digital journey.
In addition, CRM-based advertising enables marketers to use their first-party contact data to reach anyone online, wherever they are, with relevant ads. Marketers can extend their reach across networks without diluting targeting focus, and can drive engagement to provide comprehensive, exciting customer journeys. The critical aspect here becomes the marketer’s ability to accurately match first-party data with network profiles to target users on networks such as Google and Facebook.
However, what will ultimately drive revenue is automating the integration of first-party data. Marketing automation needs to take a strategic approach in order to be successful, as poorly implemented automation can very quickly ruin personalisation.
In a post GDPR world where consumers expect – and deserve – a more responsible use of their data, the key to success is building personalised customer journeys that inspire customers to keep engaging with the brand. By combining first-party data with sophisticated marketing platforms, and being aware of the changing digital habits of consumers, marketers now have all the ingredients they need to seriously transform their online strategy and win at retention marketing.

Why am I afraid of AI and why should you too?

  About 10 years ago, I started working with early AI models. The first thing we started doing was not AI at all. We were calling it: The Ra...