Tuesday, July 5, 2022

A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation by Margaret Anna Alice (Includes videos)

 This is a very interesting document about Covid-19 which contains tons of links and information. I have kept only the long initial list of questions in this post to highlight all the current doubts and interrogations about Covid. This by itself is already very informative.

 The rest of the article which you can access below is a long rant about the depopulation agenda of the global elites. I am ambivalent on this subject. Up to a point we can see that some institutions are manipulated but is there really such a conspiracy behind? Profit and Power are enough to motivate people and are being used extensively in the current crisis. Is there anything more sinister going on? I simply do not know and have no information beyond circumstantial to believe it. So these ideas are presented as food for thoughts.

A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation

Notes for My Corona Investigative Committee Interview

 Read the Whole Article

Notes for My Berlin Corona Investigative Committee Interview; Man on Fire in Ocean

I had the great honor of being interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg during Session 111: “Reconstellation” of the Corona Investigative Committee, whose heroic fact-finding discussions with hundreds of physicians, scientists, and other experts since July 2020 have formed a crucial part of my own education

They asked me to speak on the depopulation agenda explored in my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series. I regret that I overestimated how much I could cram into fifty-odd minutes so was unable to complete my presentation before the next guest arrived in the studio. I let them know I would be publishing my notes here so people can read the information I skipped over and reference the hyperlinked sources.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Corona Investigative Committee

A Retrospective in Whys

Since the beginning of this manufactured crisis, the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee has been conducting the exploratory work that I would have expected every government and so-called public health organization to have undertaken from the outset.

The fact that this did not occur was one of the first signs that COVID represented a departure from all prior pandemic protocols, but the question I kept asking myself is, Why?

Here are some of the permutations of that question I started asking beginning in early 2020 and continuing through the present-day:


  • Why are governments, public health agencies, the media, Big Tech, and “experts” stoking fear instead of calmly assessing the data and attempting to dispel panic—like every responsible authority has done for genuine crises in the past?

  • Why are all of these entities speaking in unison with a single voice as if everyone has been handed the same script?

  • Why are they covering COVID 24/7 on every available outlet, drumming up the death tallies and case counts and behaving as if it were the only newsworthy story on the planet?

  • Why are people all suddenly parroting the same phrases like “social distancing,” “New Normal,” “Build Back Better,” and the Orwellian double-think gem “together apart”?

  • Why does it seem like everyone has suddenly lost their capacities for critical thinking, reasoning, logic, and scientific analysis?

  • Why are they encouraging discrimination against those who refuse to comply with unscientific and nonsensical guidelines?

  • Why did they turn the world into an open-air prison?

  • Why are governments patterning their policies after Biderman’s Chart of Coercion?

Biderman's Chart of Coercion


  • Why aren’t health authorities making dietary, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations that would bolster people’s immunity—like encouraging them to eat healthy; reduce their stress levels; get proper sleep; exercise; enjoy sunshine and fresh air; and practice other habits that help prevent illness?

  • Why aren’t they focusing on the conventional practices for preventing respiratory illnesses such as washing your hands and staying home when you have symptoms?

  • Why are we being commanded to “Trust the Science” when scientific inquiry is a continually evolving process and requires transparency and diverse viewpoints to progress?

  • Why are they suddenly telling us asymptomatic spread exists, when there was no evidence for such transmission and no studies demonstrating that this has occurred with past coronaviruses?

  • Why are they pretending like there’s no such thing as natural immunity?

  • Why did they previously redefine “pandemic” to exclude “simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness”?

  • Why did they change the definition of “herd immunity” to inject the idea that it is acquired through vaccination when it was previously understood by immunologists and virologists to be achieved naturally when a virus spreads throughout a community?

  • Why did they change the definitions of “vaccine,” “fully vaccinated,” “cause of death,” and “case,” for that matter?

  • Why did they censor Bakersfield doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi when they provided sensible, experience-based, and reassuring textbook information about COVID transmission, treatment, and herd immunity at their April 22, 2020, press conference?

Power of the People Documentary by Alice the Journalist



Bob Moran: Nothing to See Here

Finally, why are so few people asking these questions, and why are they censoring us for asking them?

After assessing and meticulously assembling thousands of pieces of evidence over the past two years, I have concluded the only logical answers to the above questions are:

  1. PROFIT: accomplishing the largest wealth transfer from the middle class to the super-wealthy/super-rich in history;

  2. POWER: setting the stage for The Great Reset and a global technocratic one-world tyranny; and

  3. DEMOCIDE: reducing the population to “save the planet.”

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