Friday, December 22, 2023

CIA Officer's Shocking Confession: "UFOs Are NOT What You Think!"

  This is a clickbait video so the tittle is irrelevant and it's full of junk. And still there is enough information to keep it as the core of this subject. 

  Lately, we have been bombarded with UFO information, mostly that the (US) government actually knows far more than is told. But is this true? I am open to the suggestion although I do not believe any of it.

 Here, what we have is Edward Snowden telling us that among all the secret documents he has had access to, he never saw anything related to UFO, even less about a conspiracy on the subject so that if there is anything at all related to UFO, it must be deeply buried where most people have no access to. 

 The absence of proof is not the proof of absence. This said, I would tend to concur. There must be here and there interesting reports and documents which have not been divulged. That much is certain. But the rabbit hole probably stops there. 

 No alien craft, bodies and artifacts buried under a storehouse in Area 51 in Nevada. No nothing in fact. The government knows little more than we do. The subject is just used to flood the headlines when something of interest, or a scandal is about to erupt. Whistleblowers will come and go. UFOs will continue haunting our skies and we won't learn more about the subject. It is simply beyond our grasp.     

 Uncontacted tribes in the Amazon do not "discover" us. They know we exist. They can see our planes up in the sky and sometimes hear about gold diggers far away in the forest. But mostly their knowledge of "us" is static. As for UFOs, we are the tribes.

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