Friday, December 8, 2023

Are we days away from 3WW? (Video 42')

  Although he tends to be extreme, I like Canadian Preper because he highlights facts which mostly come just under the radar and are ignored by most medias.

  If, as he said today, Friday, Dec 8th, 2023, Netanyahu is indeed planning to let extremist Zionists people storm the Mosque of the Dome in Jerusalem in the coming days, then it's unavoidable, the 3rd World War will start either before the end of the year or soon after.

 This would explain why Putin just went to Saudi Arabia and the Iranian President is in Moscow today. Either you stop this from happening or the gates of hell open soon after. 

 The chances? 50/50 

 But this would change little, the chance to stumble into a World War in 2024 are very close to 100%

 This is not by accident that this blog is called 4th Turning. We have in fact reached a fundamental inflection point. Sometimes in 2024, the Western financial system will explode. The Western elites know this of course and understand that before it happens, the world MUST go into emergency mode and the only way to do this is war. 

 We may have months left or we may have weeks. But the trillions of dollars of debt are all coming home to roost. That part of the story is already in the cards.

 How we play it will be decided in the coming weeks, before the end of the year.

 Prepare yourself, 2024 will be a year to behold!


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