Sunday, December 3, 2023

New Zealand: Important Medical Staff Were Granted Covid Vaccine Exemptions

  This tells you all you need to know about the vaccine but also about our society. If you are part of the new nobility, you have a choice. For the others, Do as we tell you or lose your job. 

 The amazing fact is that most people still bother voting or listening to the news. 

I’ve been running Cryptogon for over two decades and this is up there with the worst frauds I’ve ever encountered.

Via: Hatchard Report:

The criteria for granting exemptions apparently entailed an assessment concerning how vital staff were to the working of the health service. In other words, senior figures and those holding key surgical positions could actually insist they remain unvaccinated and continue to be allowed to work. Whilst unvaccinated nurses for example could not gain exemptions and lost their positions.

If senior staff who wished to remain unvaccinated had spoken out publicly, the issue of Covid vaccine safety might have been given a public airing. Instead the Ministry of Health and the government kept a lid on all and any discussion. It did so through liaison with mainstream and social media outlets to censor content and through tight control of staff.

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