Friday, December 8, 2023

Dr. Michael Nehls: The Indoctrinated Brain

 As I have been arguing for 3 years now, there was more to the Covid crisis than meet the eyes.

Dr. Michael Nehls: The Indoctrinated Brain

December 7th, 2023

When you talk to normal people nowadays, do you notice that something has gone very wrong?

Dr. Michael Nehls argues that the Covid operation is actually a mind control program that involves the coordinated use of media and neurotoxic substances against billions of people.

The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom by Michael Nehls MD PhD

I’ve struggled for years to determine the real motivations behind the Covid operation.

Profits, kill off and power… These are all obvious. Of course, it’s all of those, but they seem insufficient when considering the audacity and scale of Covid.

Covid is much bigger than all of these things, which have been going on, quietly, mentioned on little Internet backwaters like Cryptogon for decades.

With Covid, they came for billions of us all at once.

This is planned. This is on purpose. This is not a coincidence.

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