Tuesday, May 7, 2024

BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE! These are actual photographs of Israeli military explosive experts wiring the 91st floor of the World Trade Center for the 9/11 controlled demolition of the Twin Towers

  This should be taken with a grain of salt until formally confirmed (which it will never be of course). Still, the probability is very high.

  Having seen WTC-7 be demolished (which was confirmed, then denied) it is almost inescapable that the two towers of the World Trade Center were likewise destroyed. 

  The reason I believe this specific "conspiracy theory" is that almost half a century ago, in 1977, I visited the WTC. A year after its completion. And as it was explained at large later, could see with my own eyes that it was indeed built differently that other towers at the time. Mostly around a very strong core with floors hanging and supported on the periphery by curtain walls. So when the towers fell, I could certainly understand why the walls gave up under pressure, but why would the core? Especially when you know that the steel used for the core was thicker and thicker as you went down and the weight increased.

  So even if one or two floors had failed, unlikely it itself, the dynamics of the fall should have been towards a slowing down of the speed as each floor offered more and more resistance and more importantly, the core should NOT have failed at all and therefore should have remained standing up.   

  I am not alone to believe that: More than 1,000 architects and engineers have asked for a full investigation to take place to understand exactly what took place and how the impossible unfolded. They are still waiting to this day. I guess we'll know the answer no sooner than we know who blew up the Norstream Pipeline!

  PS1: I would be rather surprised that people actually took pictures of such a sensitive mission but who knows. Time will tell. Even if the pictures are not real, the suspicion remains. 

  PS2: The source of this article is the Burning Platform and behind it State of the Nation. These are esoteric sites with interesting articles but were caution is necessary. They sometimes unearth interesting facts and often verge on flat earth nonsense, so again, caution is advised. If you want to walk in the bogs, you'll probably gonna get you shoes dirty. It's the price of being inquisitive and wanting to know.

Via State of the Nation

Notice the “BB18” stamped on the boxes in the first two photos that follow.  Also, check out how these Israeli demolition experts are rigged up to accomplish a very serious job on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center.

*BB18 is a three-phase busbar terminal power feed lug, which is intended for use with LPSM/LPSC series fuse holders.  They are sold by Littelfuse as seen in this link: These are power feed lugs for use in FUSE holders that were in the boxes photographed on the 91st floor of the WTC before 9/11.

Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace

What’s really quite incredible about this back story is that The New York Times ran a special piece promoting a story that made these demo experts appear to be art students.  In other words, the NYT was in on the false flag 9/11 terrorist attacks which was carried out to launch the bogus War on Terror, as well as to pass the utterly treasonous Patriot Act and to establish the nation-destroying Department of Homeland Security.

Art students were given special access to one of the most
secured office buildings in the USA!!!  Really?!?!?

Not only that, but this same group of MOSSAD/IDF terrorists actually had a not-for-profit arts organization established in 2011 in Seoul, South Korea put up a website documenting their entire fake story, with pictures and diagrams and videos and all.  As follows:

This is the absurd cover story for the controlled demolition
experts who placed the nano-thermite charges in the
World Trade Center prior to 9/11/01.


The criminals actually had the chutzpah to provide hard evidence of their own involvement in the false flag 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City.  They really felt they could commit these crimes against humanity with total impunity and even keep this article posted to this very day with their photos for the whole world to view: https://publicdelivery.org/gelitin-b-thing/.

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