Saturday, May 11, 2024

Douglas MacGregor Interview - The war in Ukraine is over! Now what? (Video - 18mn)

  For anybody who has been following this conflict, it was easy to understand that this was a war of attrition. Russia was not moving, just creating extremely difficult conditions for the Ukrainian army which for some reasons was expected to perform miracles with the much superior armament of the West. The weapons ended up stuck in the mud, the professional army was decimated and replaced by reluctant conscripts, add incompetence and corruption and it is obvious that the Ukrainians never stood a chance. It would have been wise to understand this 2 years ago. Now somehow, the war must end. 

  Can the West let it end or will they up the ante? Douglas MacGregor see some signs that the war will end. I am afraid it cannot be so easy. You only need to remember how the British sunk the agreements which were about to be signed to understand that the balance is fragile and it is extremely easy for people with bad intentions to create mayhem. Other factors, the beginning of a recession?, may convince a soon to be defeated US administration that war may in the end be an option. This is only a possibility among many. Although history says this is likely, we all know that it doesn't repeat, it only rhymes.


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