Sunday, March 3, 2024

ALERT!!! EUROPE AT DEFCON 2 (Video - 35mn)

  Canadian Preper is by nature on the dark side of events. But what if he is right?

  "A defeat of Ukraine would be a defeat for Nato!" 

  These are not insignificant words. Clearly, Europe expected Russia to fold instead of becoming stronger. This has not happened and they are now in panic mode.

  The US has its own source of energy and can survive a defeat in Ukraine. Europe is not in such a good position. Already many companies are exiting Germany thanks to high energy prices. How bad could it be? Add to energy absurd "green" policies and a loss of credibility of the Euro and you may indeed have a catastrophic mix. 

  This may be the reason why you get statements from Macro that France may have to send soldiers in Ukraine. The risks are high and rising fast. Remember that nobody wanted war in 1914 and that anyway all would be settled by Christmas!


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Warmongers Conference (by Redacted)

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