Sunday, March 10, 2024

You NEED TO Know What BlackRock Has Planned- Whitney Webb's Last WARNING (Video - 13mn)

   Among the very earliest articles on this blog were warnings about Social Credit and CBDC. Both technologies being extremely liberticide (extremely dangerous for freedom) and democracy. 

  Now 6 years later, democracy has become some kind of Kabuki, we still do the dancing but behind the curtain everything is more or less under tight control as we are starting to find out.

  Social Credit has been successfully introduced in China in 2020 with the immediate effect of crashing the economy. Why work or do anything at all in a system where everything is under tight control? (They call it laying flat.) Most people don't do the connection but about 30% of illegal immigration to the US at the Mexican border is Chinese? Can this really be a coincidence? (It cost a lot of money to be a Chinese illegal immigrant and the risks are huge. That's not for poor people. Why do it then? Think about it.)

  As for CBDC, it has been tried in a few countries like India and Nigeria with rather nasty consequences in both countries although in India the combination with other economic measures has for now resulted in a higher growth rate but at enormous social costs.

  The intention to introduce CBDC globally is there both in the BRICS and in advanced economies. The need is more and more urgent. Almost every large economy is teetering on the brink of insolvency. They MUST take control of your money. The only obstacle left is smothering a few technical issues... and acceptability. 

  But once this is done, you are little more than a slave from a financial perspective as every single transaction you do can and will be monitored, can and will be allowed or rejected. Your location, status, actions, relations... you name it, is known. Privacy is gone FOREVER! 

  We were until recently protected by the sheer number of people, transactions and data points. This is over. AI will solve the problem and monitor each of us at the individual level! Unbelievable but true.

 Most people worry about distant and mostly absurd risks like Global Warming. This one is real and much, much closer than they realize. We are in an emergency!


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