Friday, June 10, 2022

Summit of the Americas...

  Or what's wrong with... America.

  Now, let's talk some more about Ukraine...

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Secretary Blinken and OAS Secretary General Almagro At a Meeting of the  Summit Implementation Review Group - U.S. Mission to the Organization of  American States

Great fun. The Organization of American States on June Sixth began its big meeting in LA, probably unnoticed by most of the US but a big deal hereabouts in Mexico. America dominates the OAS pretending it doesn’t, as it dominates SWIFT, NATO, and the IMF as means of controlling other nations. Considerable uproar exists in Latin America because various Latin countries, most notably Mexico, have refused to attend on grounds that the United States has excluded countries it doesn’t like, such as Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. This is astonishing as it shows what may be a modicum of independence in the Latin South.

The White House says that it has excluded these countries because—brace yourself—of America’s almost erotic attachment to democracy, freedom, justice, democracy, human rights, and democracy, none of which the US conspicuously has. We must believe this, for is not Biden South America’s mommy? Which probably has something to do with transgender rights, though I prefer not to think about this.

I suggest that Biden actually excludes them because he cannot afford to allow anyone to speak who is not under American control. The Cuban president, unafraid of Washington, might speak thusly:

“Ladies and gentlemen, leaders of Latin America, you should begin this conference by admitting that you are all bootlickers, that you do not represent your populations who, as you all know, hate the Americans, but rather you toady to the Anglos who give you suitcases full of hundred-dollar bills, who flatter you with pretended respect while you do as they say.

“The Americans speak of human rights, prosperity, democracy, and dignity. As a Cuban, let me tell you about America’s love for human rights. Washington maintains, on our soil, against our wishes, a vast torture chamber at Guantanamo. Here prisoners are hung by their wrists from the ceiling, left in frigid cold, beaten, placed in agonizing positions for long hours, and subjected to that American specialty, waterboarding. In this water is poured down their throats to half drown them as they choke, beg, vomit, cough, scream. I do not know whether their sadists masturbate as they do this. You all know of these things, and yet you are here. You know that torture is American policy. You have seen the photo of the naked man lying on the floor in a pool of blood at Abu Ghraib? You should ask Mr. Biden—there he is among you, I am pointing to him—for a copy.

“My country has eleven million people who pose no threat to the Anglos. We barely have an army. We want to enjoy life, play music, make fiestas. For sixty years America—you know, the country that cares about human rights—has tried to starve us, prevent commerce with other nations, has blocked our access to medicines. Washington does the same to Venezuela, wanting control of its oil reserves. All of you, each a lameculos of the gueros, know this. You have seen how little dogs sniff the butts of big dogs? But I will say no more of this.

“Why do you, pretending to represent the people of Latin America, allow this? Some, perhaps most, because you have been bought. The whole world knows that Latin American politicos are for sale as much as mangos in a fruit stall. Others because you have seen what has happened to us, to Cuba and Venezuela and others around the world. If you do not obey the gringos—always calling it cooperation—they will destroy your economy starve your children and, if this doesn’t make you submit like the slaves you are, they can resort to bombing. You all know this. You know what has happened to Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Serbia, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen. And you, of all continents, have had dictators imposed by America, which loves democracy more than life itself. I do not need to name them. I will say no more. You are what you are, and the world knows it. Thank you for your attention.”

How would Holy Joe respond to such a speech? He, and America, cannot afford to find out.

A major topic at the managed circus will be immigration. Americans become no end outraged because Mexico does not adequately prevent tens of thousands of Central Americans from entering the US. But why is it Mexico’s duty to protect America’s borders? Perhaps countries should solve their own problems. Americans’ notorious historical ignorance may flavor attitudes here. Mexico, like the rest of Latin America, like most of the world, has sore and angry memories of sacking and pillage by Europeans and Americans. Mexicans know of the—what is the word? Theft? Not good PR. Martially-encouraged immigration?—of half of the country in the Mexican-American War. I doubt that one gringo in five has heard of the war. But countries around the world do remember the horrors inflicted on them.

The problem of immigration could be solved easily enough given that the illegals come in search of work. For example, tattoo a small dot on the inside wrist of every illegal apprehended, meaning all those caught on the wrong side of the border, with fluorescent ink visible only under ultraviolet light. Such lights probably cost thirty dollars in stores supplying hobbyists. Impose and actually collect a heavy fine per illegal worker on employers found to be using them. Problem solved.

So why doesn’t America stop the migration? Because it doesn’t really want to. Shiny white conservative businessmen like the cheap labor. Ardent liberals (I suspect) favor immigration because it infuriates Trump’s voters, many of whom have to compete against the far lower wages of illegals. The Biden people on ideological grounds, and hope for votes, encourage immigration. Many people are simply expressing kindness, thinking that a desire to escape poverty deserves support from richer countries. Large numbers just aren’t interested. The Mexican secretary at the dentist’s seems perfectly since, so what is the problem? In a sentence, America doesn’t close the border because it doesn’t want to.

Things look different when one is actually involved. Years back a couple running a small construction company in the West visited us in Guadalajara. They said that without Mexican labor they would quickly become bankrupt. Blacks, they said, were terrible employees, quit unexpectedly, had hostile attitudes, did poor work. Whites didn’t want the jobs. That left Mexicans, who did want the work, did it well, and were happy with their wages. A friend with relatives in the citrus business made the same point. The growers were good Republicans, but if nobody picked their oranges, their kids would have to drop out of Princeton, and there goes the mortgage. Mexicans would do hard, long work under a blistering sun. Who else would?

Then there is the drug business. Americans think Mexico should do something about it. Why? Mexicans might say that if Americans are against the use of drugs, then they should stop using drugs. Why are American vices a Mexican problem? Mexicans point out that America provides the drug cartels with large amounts of military-grade weaponry, so why should Mexico not provide gringos with lots of dope? This would seem to profit both. A mutually beneficial symbiosis. But it’s probably Putin’s fault.

The drug trade exists because many tens of millions of Americans want drugs, while Washington does not want them to have drugs. It is thus a sort of civil war. State after state legalizes marijuana. High schools are afloat in drugs. Countless adults I know smoke dope or use coke, some of these being lawyers, investment guys, respectable grandparents, veterans of the Sixties. Opioids remain in demand among despairing populations, Doing a doob is like taking a drink during Prohibition, barely if at all disreputable. Cocaine? Snorting a line is common among respectable if slightly raffish guys. If you squeezed Capitol Hill through a strainer, you would get kilos of blow. A woman reporter I dated went to a party of the Hill where white powder was present and said, “Fred, that stuff was so damned good I’ll never go near it again.” These are probably people who make laws against drugs. With that much of a market, someone is going to serve it.

Let’s face it: Drugs are a large and stable part of the international economy, like oil or wheat, providing livings for millions from Colombia to Wall Street. Many grow the various weeds. Others process the crop, others smuggle the output into the US and elsewhere. Large numbers in DEA and the FBI pretend to chase the producers. Politicians like the bribes. Banks like the laundered money. Police departments get federal funds for anti-drug programs. Crooked doctors batten On the sale of opioids. Drugs are almost the only jobs available in ghettos and pay better than Mickey D´s. The rehab racket employs tens of thousands of therapists and others. What’s not to like?

If you put youthful DEA agent sin disguise at Harvard, Yale, the University of Virginia, or any other schools, they could fill Leavenworth several times over with use and sales of weed, Adderall, meth, acid, shrooms, and such. Art departments, I promise (having connections to that world) would be wiped out. Musicians are heavy on drugs, and always have been. Such arrests will never happen, though. A rule in the drug-enforcement industry, respected by government, is that you don’t discommode people with political connections.

American efforts in Mexico against the drug trade are silly and ineffective, as those involved well know, which is to say that they are a fraud. They seem mainly aimed at getting favorable media coverage. Consider El Chapo Guzman. He was an exemplary capitalist, running a highly successful international sales organization against intense interference by the government—a veritable icon of free enterprise, like Elon Musk. So, after immense expenditure he was caught and subjected to a made-for-media trial in New York. A great victory, see? Your government is protecting you. Net result? The next narcos in line step up, take over, and the beat goes on.

Nuff said. I will go down the road to the Brew House for a double Jim Beam and a German hot dog, as bratwurst is locally known.

COVID vaccines appear to cause abnormally long blood clots, says pathologist



 And on and on...

 The Covid vaccines are dangerous in the long term as expected. They can run, (or maybe not in people's veins) but they can't hide their effects much longer. 

Via Just the News

Some blood clots found in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine were reportedly a couple of feet long.

What to Know About Blood Clots and COVID-19

Unusually long blood clots are being found in people who received COVID-19 vaccines, according to Dr. Ryan Cole of Cole Diagnostics in Boise, Idaho.

Cole’s laboratory receives tissue samples from morticians across the country. He reports that they are finding long blood clots — including several that are inches-long and even a couple that are a foot long — in corpses that contained the COVID vaccine.

Liberty Counsel, a religious freedom legal advocacy nonprofit currently representing military members seeking vaccine mandate exemptions, recently interviewed Cole. His lab “is able to determine the difference between a spike protein caused by the virus and a spike protein caused by the COVID shots, which are demonstrably different and much more pronounced and serious,” according to the organization.

Cole told Greg Hunter on USAWatchdog earlier this month that a Stanford University study found that, unlike a COVID infection, which leaves the body in a week or two, the vaccine causes the spike protein to remain in the body longer.

“[T]hose who had a natural infection cleared the virus within that first week or two — their body had the ability to clear it,” Cole said.

“But when you put the synthetic sequence in, the body is not clearing it,” he explained. “It’s persistently making spike protein. And that sequence is persisting, and then it’s damaging the organs chronically over time, it’s damaging the immune cells chronically over time, it’s causing clots … chronically over time.”

With mRNA vaccines, the spike protein can stay “up to 8 weeks postvaccination in some cases,” according to the study.

Cole’s lab is “seeing mushy organs, we’re seeing incredibly inflamed organs,” he said. “We know the spike protein cause all the … bad outcomes that the virus did in 2020. And a lot of comorbid individuals, we know that spike protein is causing inflammation in the lung, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, the heart — it’s causing the same damage that the virus was causing.”

However, “in the body, the shots are persisting and making more spike protein than if you had a natural infection,” he added.

Cole also cited studies by South African doctor Resia Pretorius, who found that the COVID “spike protein alone causes the proteins in our blood to clump,” he said. “That spike protein is thrombogenic — it causes clots, and it causes a lot of clots.”

Morticians usually “put a dissolving fluid in to break up clots so they can get their embalming fluid in,” Cole said in a March interview with Steve Kirsch. “And they were getting back pressure on the system, saying, ‘What in the world is going on?’

They ended up “pulling out, you know, 6-inch clots, 12-inch clots, 2-3-foot-long clots,” he said. “Because you know from the hip down into the leg, you have a long vein called the saphenous vein. And so they were pulling long clots out of your longer veins. And … they hadn’t seen anything like this previously.”

An embalmer who has worked in her field for 11 years told Kirsch in February that she saw these unusual clots in 93% of the last 30 people she embalmed in Carrollton, Mo.

Cole has met other pathologists at conferences who are also seeing the clots he’s finding but “can’t say anything,” or else they’ll “get fired because they’re stuck at academic institutions, they’re stuck in big systems,” he told Hunter. “And the problem is, if you’re not independent, you can’t speak out. And even if you are independent like I am and speak out, then you get attacked by the American Board of Pathology.

“But we have all these large organizations and institutions in cahoots together with a narrative attacking anybody that speaks against their giant money machine while they’re harming humanity, and this is the tragedy in all of this. Doctors are seeing it. Pathologists are seeing it. Too many people are silent, and silence is compliance. It’s time for people to be courageous.”

Last summer, a mother in Utah, Cherie Romney, said in a Fox News interview that her then-17-year-old son and husband were hospitalized with blood clots after receiving the COVID vaccines. Her son was a high school basketball player and experienced severe symptoms less than a day after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. He ended up having two clots in his brain and one in his neck.

After receiving the Moderna vaccine, Romney’s husband was hospitalized “with over 100 blood clots in his lungs,” which led to a quarter of his lungs being removed, she said.

Pfizer and Moderna didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment Thursday evening.

Last month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that it began limiting the use of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals COVID-19 vaccine over concerns associated with blood clots.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Corruption Is Now Increasingly Brazen And Blatant

  It feels very strange being on the edge of the precipice when you know that everything is about to crash like a coyote in mid air.

 Food not being grown now will not be available in 6 months.

 Power plants not being built will not produce next winter.

 Oil, fertilizers, goods not being traded due to excessive price will not be where they should very soon.

 These are not predictions, these are facts.

 The consequences, like gravity, will reassert themselves soon enough! 

The Corruption Is Now Increasingly Brazen And Blatant

Remember how we just discussed the funding of the profligate US government? Let’s take a look at how bad things are. Here’s the current budget deficit.

The Federal Budget Is Recording Chronic Deficits

The blue is good and the orange is bad. You can see a lot of orange, and after 2008 things have been decidedly “orange.”

Since there is no actual cash in the piggy bank the US government has to borrow it. Meanwhile, debt spirals higher. Total US debt now tops $90 trillion with unfunded liabilities clocking in at $169 trillion.

Folks tend to forget that a government doesn’t produce anything. It merely sucks up resources from the productive and redistributes those resources. The most “productive” governments manage to do this with the least amount of friction or capital stripped from the system, while allocating the resources the most efficiently. And since governments are awful at both of these things, the most “productive” governments are those who do the least, instead leaving it to the private sector to cater to the wants and needs of society.

In any event, the ever-continuous intrusion into citizens’ lives while “providing” for them things such as education, healthcare, pensions, and myriad other things which governments should have no hand in cost money. A lot, especially when the allocation of resources is not governed by the cruel hand of the market. Profligacy abounds in these situations, and so as the debt spirals out of control so does the printing of money.

M1 Money Supply

One reason I have been saying that the probability that a debt reset is in the offing is because the numbers are just too egregious to be managed at this point. Median income per household in the US in 2020 was $67,521. Now consider that when doing simple math by taking US debt and dividing it by citizens we clock in at $778,000 per citizen (not per household). Now, not all citizens are contributing to the pie so to speak. Babies, for example. A more accurate take therefore is dividing this number by the number of US tax-paying citizens. When doing so we clock in at over $2 MILLION per citizen. Do you understand now how hopeless this situation is?

So there are now only two solutions I can think of. One is a hyperinflation of the currency and the other is a debt reset.

This brings up other probabilities. Those in power know that a hyperinflation would likely see them being replaced. History shows us this is true. No, rather they will try to self detonate the system, have an enemy to blame it on (Covid, Russia, etc.) and retain control… or dare I say gain even more control. This is what the entire WEF plan is all about. Right now they’re still using the mask of democracy, but as we’ve seen in the last two years this is merely a mask. Leaders all over the world have been bought and pressured or murdered (Magafuli) when not complying. The corruption is now increasingly brazen and blatant. The energy put into masking it grows weaker each day while the excesses and theft grow more egregious. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. This is the fourth turning. Lucky us, heh?

Something else to consider is that while the Biden administration is sending tens of billions of dollars to thugs in what is arguably THE most corrupt Eastern European country (ostensibly to fight a bad man), they can’t actually afford it. The US military may well be the largest in the world, but as is the case with all militaries it requires funding. Cut off the funding, and no army can or will fight. This is true even if gender confused soyboys in San Francisco champion “taking it to Putin” while placing Ukrainian flags in their bios… right next to their pronouns.

And that means that the acceleration of the collapse of the US government and indeed the European Union (who are just as broke) is being accelerated.

What you choose to own in such a coming storm is going to be critical if I’m even half accurate. At risk of sounding like a prepper, which honestly makes a ton of sense, I continue to believe that energy at its base level is a no-brainer, if only because every single thing that makes our lives more comfortable, more easy is some derivative of fossil fuels. And as mentioned many times here, the supply is just not coming online. Then moving down the chain of needs, naturally food/agriculture and in this space fertilizer is in critical shortage. So that. Precious metals just as a hedge against total collapse in currency markets, though I don’t think we’re there yet.

It’s interesting to see that although we’re not “printing money” in our portfolio we are positive while most everything is getting a good thumping. There really has been only two places to hide in this crash. Greenbacks and commodities, especially energy. Maybe this deep value bottom up analysis coupled with a macro top down analysis has some merit to it.

A New Source of Information - Video Channel

  Over the last couple of weeks, I have been following with interest a new channel on YouTube called Redacted.

  It is interesting, pertinent and although the journalist is a former Fox News presenter, the tone is less partisan than Fox.

 You can access it at:

 Or follow it on YouTube:



What Happens To Europe When Russia Wins (Video - 13')

 More realistic, less broad scope and anti-Russian than yesterday's video.  (It is essential at this stage to listen to different voices and ideas in this age of confusion.)

 I would tend to agree with this position (that Europe must make peace with Russia or commit economic suicide before the end of the year.) Where I disagree is that the US, of course, understand that too, and will therefore up the ante in the meantime.

 That is the problem, usually called the fog of war when things become fuzzy and unpredictable.  We are almost there.


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

There was an unexpected 40% increase in 'all cause deaths' in 2021 (Video - 8')

 It's starting! You can't yet say "officially" that it is Covid vaccine related but we are getting there... slowly. 

 The vaccines ARE dangerous as many doctors (who were silenced) warned. We are now seeing the consequences: A collapse of the immune system for many people resulting in an explosion of Covid-unrelated (for now) deaths.


Monday, June 6, 2022

Energy at the End of the World Seminar - Peter Zeihan (2h30')

 A very long video but stunning analysis of the current situation by Peter Zeihan.

 If you are interested in geo-strategy, then this is it. As complete as it goes. You will see the war in Ukraine in a different light. (Forget about some nonsense about Russian strategy and focus on energy.)

 A masterpiece of understanding about the world we live in. (Although I do not agree with part of the analysis. But this is not important. The key is to learn and form your own opinion, not to swallow somebody's else ideas of what the statistics and numbers mean.)


Rapid Cultural Decline and What Comes Next

 It is hard to imagine that most people still do not see the rapid decline we are experiencing right now. Technological innovations give us the illusion of progress but in reality our society has been on a downward slope for over 50 years.   

 If you have little time, just read the short points of Doug Casey below.

 If you have more time, listen to the highly educated speech of Chalmers Johnson. It is a brilliant parallel of the Roman decline and ours.


Rapid Cultural Decline and What Comes Next

International Man: Nations in decline often experience cultural degeneracy. We saw that in the Roman Empire and Weimar Germany, for example.

Today, in the US, we see increasing signs of cultural degeneracy in Hollywood, advertisements, academia, science, corporations, politics, and other areas of life.

What is your take?

Doug Casey: There have been a number of major turning points throughout history. Rome in the third century was one of them. It was a period of economic, political, and military chaos, aggravated by the social chaos accompanying the rise of Christianity. These things set the stage for the complete collapse of the old civilization in the West with the barbarian invasions after Adrianople in 378.

The Renaissance changed the nature of life in Western Europe starting in the 15th century, as did the Enlightenment in the 18th century. And, most important, in many ways, the Industrial Revolution overturned the pre-existing economic order starting in the early 19th century.

Whenever the public was in a frenzy about something or other, my friend Herman Kahn (look him up) liked to quip, “There are only two important things that have happened since the dawn of history—and this isn’t one of them.” He was referring to the Agricultural Revolution around 5000 years ago and the Industrial Revolution. It’s good to keep things in perspective…

Of course, there have been plenty of bloody episodes, great discoveries, and breathtaking inventions along the way. The American Revolution, the French Revolution, WW I, WW II, the collapse of the USSR, and the rise of China are among them. But in the great sweep of history, they’re really just footnotes. It bears emphasis, though, that almost everything of any importance that has happened in the last 500 years has been about or because of Western Civilization.

They all had various effects, but none of them really attacked the basis of Western civilization itself. Psychopaths like Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao were, even in their heydays, really just jackals barking at a lion.

But then things started changing in the 1960s. The 60s were fun at the time, but from a cultural viewpoint, they turned out to be an overture to the collapse of Western Civ. You may recall the motto of many college students at demonstrations was, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has to go.”

They were yahoos, of course, but it’s actually happening now, 60 years later. Thomas Cole’s superb series of five paintings, “The Course of Empire,” done about 200 years ago, says it all.

The thing to remember is that Western civilization is built on a certain set of values and virtues that have given the world something unique in history. Before the rise of Western Civ, people everywhere in the world survived by piling sticks and stones on top of one another and grubbing for roots and berries, freezing in the winter and starving in the spring, expecting an early and likely violent death.

Western Civ changed the very nature of life. It is, in fact, the only civilization worth talking about. China may have given the world Taoism, martial arts, and General Tso’s Chicken. India developed yoga, and curries are tasty. But on the whole, Ayn Rand was right when she said East minus West equals zero.

We’re now undergoing our own Great Cultural Revolution. It’s much more serious than what the Chinese attempted in the ’60s. Why? Because a whole complex of destructive ideas have now captured the apparatus of most governments, academia, media, entertainment, charities, and large corporations. The public has been both subtlety and overtly indoctrinated for generations. It’s not easy to reverse a trend this large.

But maybe you think I’m being too inflammatory. Perhaps you don’t believe Western civilization in general, and the idea of America in particular, are dying.

Fair enough. Let me give you the dozen things that made Western Civilization and America not only unique but vastly better than any other country or civilization in history. I’ve listed 12 concepts. These things are the essence of Western Civ—and are unique to it. Ask yourself if attitudes towards them haven’t changed radically in recent years. Ask yourself if the trend towards collapse of the West hasn’t accelerated since then.

  1. Free thought has been replaced by Political Correctness, and it’s discouraged. We’re approaching the stage of Orwellian thought crime.
  2. Free speech is subject to cancel culture at universities, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and society in general. In totalitarian societies, free speech is cause for imprisonment or worse. We’re headed in that direction.
  3. Free markets mean the freedom to act. They’re gone as an ideal, replaced by socialism as a goal. Regulation is now considered essential by most people.
  4. Limited government has been replaced by State control of almost everything.
  5. Individualism is seen as bad, or at least antisocial. Identity politics is preferred. You’re not an individual so much as a member of a race or a party.
  6. Rationality is white and therefore racist. Science, logic, and fact are replaced by superstition. Group think is the new secular religion.
  7. Liberty is seen as a danger. Snowflakes need shelter in safe spaces for fear of being triggered.
  8. The concept of Progress is dangerous because it leads to inequality, and no one should be left behind.
  9. Privacy has been replaced by Transparency. God forbid you might have a secret. Everything is monitored. The Chinese Social Credit system is becoming a model.
  10. Property Rights—Fuhgedaboudit. You’ll own nothing and better be happy. On the bright side, your masters may give you food, housing, education, meds, and a Guaranteed Annual Income—if you’re obedient.
  11. The classic Rule of Law is gone, replaced by thousands of micro rules. Everything that’s not obligatory is forbidden.
  12. Industry & enterprise are evil since they lead to “greed,” inequality, and using the planet’s resources.

Statists and collectivists have largely succeeded in corrupting the public’s attitudes towards the twelve things which made the West unique. The trend is accelerating, and trends tend to stay in motion until they reach a crisis. Once they reach a crisis—it’s called a revolution in the case of a country, or a collapse in the case of a civilization—things usually get even worse, at least for a while.

There’s much more to be said about the 12 attitudes and institutions that I’ve listed. But it’s not just a matter of academic or philosophic interest because when these foundations of civilization disappear, the good things they brought us will also wash away. They’re essential to everything—art, music, literature, science, and technology. They’re the basis of our high standard of living.

Other civilizations, like the Japanese and Chinese, have based their progress on adopting these Western attitudes and principles. But just as they’ve been accused of copying machines and technologies, it’s arguable they’ve only mimicked some of these values. Africa, most of Asia, and the Third World generally haven’t even done that. I doubt these 12 things are in the cultural DNA anywhere outside of the West—and they’re being deleted from the West.

If you’re looking for a template of what could happen in the US and all over the world in this coming decade, you might look at some news articles on Sri Lanka.

My guess is that for years to come, we’re going to see a serious devolution of civilization everywhere. The world has become top-heavy with the fruits of civilization. Hundreds of millions rely on those fruits, with no clue about how they came about. Meanwhile, the roots of the tree that produced them are rotting.

As a result, we could be looking at not just a historic financial meltdown, accompanied by a really serious economic upheaval, with wars and serious shortages. But an overthrow of traditional cultural norms, social chaos, and political totalitarianism. Of course, mankind has survived all that for at least five millennia so far. And I suppose we’ll handle this as well. There will just be more unpleasantness and inconveniences than usual in the decade to come….

Sunday, June 5, 2022


  Almost everything nowadays is based on belief, not reality. 

  Most people are ignorant and follow trends. 

  The truth is out there but no one cares.  

  Here's a good video to get things straight. Simple and clear.



He's EXPOSING the truth in Ukraine, and they don't like it (Video > 1h)

  If like me you are interested to understand what is true and what is not, here's a great source on YouTube: "Redacted"

 This interview of Larry Johnson is long but well worth the time!


They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population...

   Are there really too many people on Earth? Well, as usual the answer is not clear cut. Yes and no.    Considering the fact that we all li...