Monday, February 17, 2025

Idiocracy is Becoming Real (Video - 20mn)

   This is a profound question! Already the spellcheckers and GIS tools were "softening" our brains by helping us avoid bothering with spelling or remembering paths and itineraries. But with AI, we may be entering a world where you will have to bother with "nothing", just ask the AI whatever and enjoy your day watching another meme of people being stupid on YouTube. 

   So will the average people become stupider and stupider til dey cant writ an' tink no-mor? Unfortunately, I think this is likely. Look at their "representatives" in some Western countries, the people who represent them best and wonder: Is idiocracy the future or the present?

Thursday, February 13, 2025

MASSIVE Civil Wars Could BREAK OUT This Weekend in the Middle East (Video - 48mn)

  A very interesting video. Unfortunately all the points more or less are reasonable. Not great for views these days. Still, Larry Johnson, a former CIA guy is far more interesting than most other people you will hear on many podcast. Reasonable but well worth the time.



Victor Davis Hanson: Germany’s ‘Slow-Motion Suicide’ (Video - 6mn)

   Will Germany and its slow motion suicide as described by Victor Davis Hanson sink the European project? It seems more and more likely. Would Trump succeed in signing a deal with Russia over the remains of Ukraine, Europe would be close to bankrupt, both financially and ideologically. 69 years after its birth in 1956, the project is dying. Will Trump finish it off?


Monday, February 10, 2025

World War III Won’t be What You Think - And its Already Started (Video - 21mn)

    Very interesting talk with deep insights on WWIII, drones, UFOs and AI.

    WWIII - Already started but not in the sense people understand. More a technological and economic war than a military operation.

    Drones - They are completely transforming war and eventually may change our lives. 

    UFO/UAP - Clearly there is more to the story than what we know. There are now too many credible footage of strange crafts to believe that all UAPs are drones. 

    AI - The cat is out of the box.  

    Overall, governments still have a post 2WW mentality believing they can restrict knowledge as they did with physics and nuclear weapons then. The world has changed. Knowledge is now accessible and moving faster than it can be contained. 

   I concur with all these points and agree we are on the threshold of major revolutions in awareness and understanding in many fields.


Store Nothing in the Cloud – EVER!!!!!!!!! by Martin Armstrong

   The end of searches and mail opening was one of the major requests of the French revolution. Richelieu, a prime minister of the French king once said: "Give me 5 words of the most innocent man and I'll find a reason to put him in prison!" 

  But then again, who in his right mind would ever file "something", anything in the cloud knowing that eventually, for one reason or another nothing is safe once it is beyond your reach? Convenience has a price which is seldom paid upfront!

Post by Martin Armstrong

The Washington Post reported Friday that the United Kingdom’s deep state has demanded that Apple create a back door for them to retrieve all the content any Apple user worldwide has uploaded to the cloud—what would be an unprecedented erosion of online privacy and civil liberties. This works because once the UK seizes your data, they can hand that to the Feds in the states, and your Constitutional rights are NOT violated because the US government did not illegally seize it without a warrant.

Starmer George III

The American Revolution Was Over This Very Issue

And Starmer’s Government is Doing What King George III Did

I store NOTHING in the cloud – EVER!!!!! Why? Because the government can order them to turn over whatever they want without your knowledge. Since they merely store it, they turn it over without blinking an eye. They have NO CONSTITUTIONAL interest in whatever it might be. When they then create laws like they have on child pornography that the mere possession is a crime and they do not need to prove that you actually obtained it or from where, if they claim you had it in the cloud, that would be it. You do not even get to pack your bags or bring a toothbrush.

Digital Cloud

Under no circumstances ever store ANYTHING in the cloud, for you have no constitutional rights, and they can claim whatever they desire. They can put stuff in your account and send you to prison, saying it is yours and no judge will listen to you – EVER! The Washington Post reported that the British government’s undisclosed order was issued last month. It requires Apple to give officials blanket capability to view fully encrypted material. This means that Apple MUST assist British authorities on command. The Post noted that the access sought by the UK has no known precedent in major democracies.

The LEFT only cares about themselves, and if you dare to resist, you must be guilty. The Starmer government is destroying civilization, crumbling the very basic foundation of liberty. They want something – how dare you say no!!!!!!!!!!!!! The LEFT is ruthless, and this is how they destroy everything. Biden, when he was president, targeted guns with the end goal of disarming America entirely. He has stated: “No amendment to the Constitution is absolute.” The fundamental objective is to compel everyone to register every gun so they can enter your house without a warrant to seize your weapons.

The Fourth Amendment declares,

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”


James Otis (1725-1783)

The entire American Revolution was born over illegal searches by the king. It is very sad that Biden and the Democrats have no respect for the Constitution whatsoever. John Adams, Second President, listened to the four-hour speech of the defense lawyer James Otis (1725-1783), who argued against the king’s Writs of Assistance in February 1761 that allowed the government to search whatever they suspected for any reason arbitrarily. History repeats. This is precisely what the Democrats are arguing before the Supreme Court to eliminate the Fourth Amendment. This is devastating to human rights and the very idea of a free society of “We the People.” It is a terrible day we fac,e and this is why I say republics are the worst form of government. Biden never said anything about these objectives. He gets people to vote for him on a false agenda, no different than a fund manager giving a false report claiming he made 300% last year when he really lost 50%. This is outright FRAUD!

Otis argued that the Writs of Assistance, which required no probable cause, placed “the liberty of every man in the hands of every petty officer.” This was in February 1761 in Boston, and the famous debate in which it occurred was perhaps the most prominent event, which inaugurated the resistance of the colonies to the oppressions of the mother country. “Then and there,” said John Adams, “then and there was the first scene of the first act of opposition to the arbitrary claims of Great Britain. Then and there, the child Independence was born.” History indeed repeats. The tyranny of the Biden Administration is unfolding, as was the case under King George III.

Here are a few excerpts from that famous speech of James Otis that so moved John Adams and inspired the birth of the American Revolution.

I will to my dying day oppose, with all the powers and faculties God has given me, all such instruments of slavery on the one hand and villainy on the other as this Writ of Assistance is. It appears to me the worst instrument of arbitrary power, the most destructive of English liberty and the fundamental principles of law, that ever was found in an English law-book…  

The writ prayed for in this petition, being general, is illegal. It is a power that places the liberty of every man in the hands of every petty officer. I say I admit that special Writs of Assistance, to search special places, may be granted to certain persons on oath. But I deny that the writ now prayed for can be granted…

In the first place, the writ is universal, being directed “to all and singular justices, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and subjects”; so that, in short, it is directed to every subject in the King’s dominions. Everyone with this writ may be a tyrant; if this commission be legal, a tyrant in a legal manner, also, may control, imprison, or murder any one within the realm.   In the next place, it is perpetual; there is no return. A man is accountable to no person for his doings. Every man may reign secure in his petty tyranny, and spread terror and desolation around him, until the trump of the Archangel shall excite different emotions in his soul. In the third place, a person with this writ, in the daytime, may enter all houses, shops, etc., at will, and command all to assist him. Fourthly, by this writ not only deputies, etc., but even their menial servants, are allowed to lord it over us…  

One of the most essential branches of English liberty is the freedom of one’s house. A man’s house is his castle; and whilst he is quiet, he is as well guarded as a prince in his castle. This writ, if it should be declared legal, would totally annihilate this privilege. Custom-house officers may enter our houses when they please; we are commanded to permit their entry. Their menial servants may enter, may break locks, bars, and everything in their way; and whether they break through malice or revenge, no man, no court can inquire. Bare suspicion without oath is sufficient. 

Let me make something  VERY clear.  To enter your home without a warrant means they do not have to claim there is probable cause that you even have anything.  What Starmer has decreed is precisely what started the American Revolution. The LEFT is always ruthless, for they constantly claim they are the victims of anyone who has more than they do,

A Fight to the Death Is Underway by Paul Craig Roberts


Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Some people will regard my title as hyperbole.  It is not.  Trump, I believe, understands he is in a fight to the death.  The American establishment tried to discredit and ruin him, to imprison him, to assassinate him.  They stole his 2020 reelection from him. They tried to steal his NY properties. It is not possible for Trump to have illusions about what he is up against.  He is up against evil.

Trump knows that the fight is not just about him. It is about America. For decades a corrupt American establishment has been running the government for their benefit at the expense of the American people. Trump says he intends to take government out of the corrupt establishment’s hands and put it back in the hands of the people.  That is the last place the establishment wants it.  For them the struggle Trump began in 2015 is existential. If Trump loses, America loses, and the establishment wins. Civil liberties will disappear, especially for “racist” white people and for people who think there are only two genders. Censorship and false narratives will prevail, and we will live in a belief system constructed for us by the establishment and the whore media for whom government is a profit center.

I don’t know how many of Trump’s appointees understand that they are in a fight to the death. How strong are they?  If Trump doesn’t win, their careers are over. The establishment will see to that. If the Establishment proves to be stronger, will  Trump’s appointees change sides and abandon the fight?

I don’t know how many MAGA Americans understand the stakes. How many of them think that the fight ended with the election victory and now President Trump will put everything right? If this delusion prevails, the emergency extra-legal steps Trump must take if he is to prevail will lack support among his followers.  The whore media will paint a picture of Trump as a tyrant.

Democracies are unstable governmental systems, even when the people are ethnically homogeneous, as was the Roman Republic where governing power resided in the Senate. But eventually different interests replace common interests, and the Senate became dysfunctional.

At that point in order to get things done Rome had a couple of temporary term-limited dictators. Then, seeing the collapse of the republican order, Julius Caesar broke the rules and crossed the Rubicon. But Caesar, despite his name, was still not a Caesar. His adopted son, Octavius who took the name Augustus was the first Roman Caesar.  Augustus was careful to keep alive the pretense that the Senate was still, at least partially, ruling. But after Augustus, executive authority ruled without pretense.

This is the position in which a dysfunctional American legislature has placed the United States.  For decades the Congress has been losing power to the executive. FDR’s presidency in the 1930s was a major destroyer of the power of Congress.  Roosevelt’s regulatory agencies seized the power over law by how they wrote the regulations that implemented it.  In fact, the New Deal destroyed the power of Congress.  Legislative power moved to the civil service in the regulatory agencies.

Seeing the weakness, the federal courts moved in. Today the federal courts, when it serves the establishment,  legislate and impose limits on executive authority despite the separation of powers, but stand aside when executive orders serve the establishment.

Of the three branches of government, the legislature is no longer of much importance.

There are no longer only three branches of government in the US. There are four branches, the fourth being the civil service. Once upon a time in a fairy tale the incorruptible, objective civil service was non-partisan and served the American people by keeping the elected government honest. But it was always liberal, because it attracted people who believed in more government.

Today the civil service, recruited as ideological Democrats since the 1990s when Clinton forced civil service retirements in order to make room for blacks and women, is a fourth branch of government, and perhaps the most powerful branch.  Trump and Musk are trying to rein it in, but the judiciary is rushing to its defense.

Trump and Musk with their opening blitzkrieg had surprising success. But the establishment has regrouped and launched a counterattack, using, of course the corrupt American judiciary.  Judges are no longer appointed for their commitment to justice but for the causes that they support.

Just as American journalism schools teach that the purpose of journalists is not to report the facts but to spin the facts in order to revolutionize society, law school students are taught that their function is not to serve justice but to revolutionize society. Their law school professors having made them confident in using their judicial power for transformative reasons, judges issue their own edicts. These judicial edicts–certainly not legal rulings–are being rapidly issued to block Trump’s effort to bring the government under control and to return the government’s accountability to the elected president. If the President is of the establishment, presidential assertions of power are permitted. Otherwise, the establishment converts the President into a figurehead.

I predicted that the minute Trump moved to “take back the government,” endless lawsuits would be brought to prevent him from functioning as President.

A federal judge has assumed a non-existent authority to block the Department of Government Efficiency from Labor Department data essential for the Department of Government Efficiency to do its job.

Another federal judge has blocked the Department of Government Efficiency from access to Treasury Department data, ruling that the data is too sensitive for the President of the United States to see.  So who can see the data?  If it is protected by privacy laws, how could it have been collected?

A dozen Democrat state attorney generals are also suing to block the Department of Government Efficiency from access to Treasury data, claiming it is an unprecedented violation of privacy rights.  Think about this for a minute.  If the data is private, what is the Treasury Department doing with it?  Why can one Department that reports to the President have the data, but not another?  Can judges deny the President from having information in departments that report to him? Can the CIA deny the President national security data?

Trump’s Justice (sic) Department, which clearly is not yet Trump’s, has sided with the judge who has blocked Trump’s access to the Treasury data. Somehow it is “unlawful” for the President to know what is going on in his government.  If the government is not the President’s, whose government is it? The establishment’s?  The civil service’s?  The judiciary’s?

Professors and university administrators are suing to block Trump’s DEI orders on the grounds that it violates academic freedom.  Of course, there is no academic freedom in universities.  There are entire university departments devoted to monitoring the speech of students and professors and assigning offenders to sensitivity-training.  Scientists who challenged the Covid narrative and the 9/11 narrative were terminated. The reason the corrupt universities are trying to protect Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is that DEI is the source of their power to censor critics of the censorship regime that has been established in universities.

The federal district judge blocking Trump’s shutdown of the totally corrupt USAID is Trump’s own appointment, another of Trump’s first term mistakes.  The extraordinary misuses of funds by USAID have come to light.  I have reported many in the last couple of days.  More are coming. The funds have been used to support “color revolutions,” to purchase the leaders of foreign governments, to support media attacks on skeptics of official narratives and political opponents of Woke policies and open borders.

The judicial interventions mount.

What can Trump do?

He could have the judges arrested for obstructing the Office of the President, for obstructing justice, or on whatever charge the DOJ cares to invent.  Remember, the DOJ had no problem inventing all sorts of phony charges against Trump himself, against the January 6 protesters, against Mike Lindell, against Trump’s attorneys, against Rudy Giuliani.  Neither has George Soros’ implant of Letitia James as NY Attorney General had any difficulty inventing charges no one has ever heard of. She doesn’t even need charges. She ruins people without charges. Her notorious attack on the website Vdare succeeded in shutting down the website without ever bringing a charge against the site.  She just demanded endless information, the provision of which bankrupted the website.

Letitia James, having violated the privacy of  Vdare’s executives, donors, and many other of this evil woman’s victims, is now self-righteously leading a multi-state lawsuit to block the Department of Government Efficiency from viewing data that the government has already accessed.  In other words, the data has to be covered up because of the corruption that it reveals.  It shows how far the Cultural Marxist “march through the institutions” has progressed.  It is the greatest of ironies that Trump’s Justice (sic) Department has accommodated his Democrat opposition and blocked the Department of Government Efficiency’s access to Treasury Department data.  If Trump doesn’t clean out the corrupt Justice (sic) Department before one more day passes, he might as well resign.

Judges and prosecutors, especially the DOJ prosecutors, long ago abandoned any pretense at applying a rule of law. Law is a weapon of coercion.  Trump must use it against his enemies just as they used it against him.  After the hard struggle to win reelection, why let a corrupt judiciary and Justice (sic) Department prevent him from achieving the agenda for which he was elected?

The weak-minded will say that if Trump behaves as his enemies do he will be just like them.  But that is untrue. They used law as a weapon in order to destroy America.  Trump would be using law to save America.  If Trump doesn’t fight fire with fire, he and America will be consumed by the fire of the weaponized law used by our Woke, DEI, Democrat, Establishment enemies against us.

The Democrats and the Woke intellectuals are the enemies of Americans.  No use pretending otherwise.  The task is to get their tentacles that are destroying our values out of our lives and our government. If this is not done, there is no possibility of making America great again.


Friday, February 7, 2025

Deepseek: They’re Hiding the Most Important Thing (Video - 20mn)

  What's behind the DeepSeek revolution? What is "distillation"?

  What is going on behind DeepSeek?

  Is it really as we said earlier a Sputnik moment?

  I think so, but it is more than that! Listen on.



Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Trump Administration: What's Happening Is Breathtaking...

   The Trump Administration should be renamed: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly! But another name which comes to mind is: Revolution in America, as explained below. The country is in any case facing the wall, so now is the time to do "something" about all the problems brewing under the surface which are about to explode.  

Authored by Chris Martenson via,

These are extraordinary times, and I mean that in every literal and historical sense I can muster.

Trump has started a revolution, it’s underway, and I am 100% here for it.

The short story is this is seismic.  None of us have lived through what’s unfolding.  Trump’s team is operating as if they are battling an internal foe that has taken over America and which seeks its destruction.  If this is the case, then my view is they have correctly diagnosed the disease.

Things are breaking very quickly, but fortunately drinking from a firehose is my specialty.  As I did during Covid, I will do my best to both catalog and explain the enormous impacts of what we’re currently experiencing.

Consider the issues we faced that nobody seemed to know what to do about, or how to even begin fixing.

  • The US has the least healthy, shortest-lived population out of every developed country.

  • The US spends the most, by roughly a factor of 2x more than all other developed countries on its health care, more accurately called sickcare.

  • US public high school students test out extremely poorly compared to other developed countries in math and reading.

  • The US government taxes heavily yet still slips $2 trillion deeper in the hole every year, and is more than $36 trillion debt.

  • Every year on an accrual basis the Social Security and Medicare/caid liabilities expand by many trillions and now total somewhere north of $200 trillion.

In other words, the US is broke, stupid, and fat. And it was getting worse with every passing year.

This is what the last election was actually about.  A majority of people said, “Enough!” and voted for real change.  Along the way the people who like the system exactly the way it is got nervous about Trump’s chances and tried to kill him in Butler PA on July 13th, 2024.

They missed.

And now the wrecking crew has arrived and is dismantling that sordid, pathetic, anti-American deep state apparatus.  That’s what’s actually happening right now.  You are living through an extraordinary time.

It’s going to be quite chaotic, possibly very expensive, and may well be have to go through an extensive period of dismantling before we can even begin to rebuild and repair all that has to be torn down.

Let’s consider the case of just the USAID entity.  Started by Executive Order by John F. Kennedy, the idea was to dedicate some US funds to helping other countries get ahead.  As with all things run by the US government, this noble beginning quickly morphed into a murky amalgam of CIA-run color revolutions, extensive funding of shadowy NGOs with bland names but dark objectives, and the usual fare of DC insider kickbacks and grifts.’

I’m sure it managed to do some helpful things too, but it mainly operated in stick vs carrot mode as it enforced US interests abroad.

A simple idea became a 10,000-person organization with a $40 billion budget.

Enter Trump and Elon Musk.  This is the most astonishing of all possible headlines and stories to wake up to:

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Agency for International Development closed its headquarters to agency personnel on Monday following moves by Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency to exert control over the foreign-aid organization.

An email to USAID personnel said that the move was taken by “Agency leadership.” The message said that replies should be directed to an email address that appears to be associated with Gavin Kliger, whose LinkedIn profile identifies him as a special adviser to the director of the Office of Personnel Management and who works for DOGE.

“At the direction of Agency leadership, the USAID headquarters at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington, D.C. will be closed to Agency personnel on Monday, February 3, 2025,” the email states.

Kliger and DOGE didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.



If you are worried that there’s fraud in an accounting department, you have security march in, and tell everyone to stand up and leave the room because you don’t want to give the fraudsters the chance to clean the files.  This is Trump & Elon’s way of saying that they think there’s some real dirt here which they want exposed.

Okay, that means it’s Game On!

The Deep State has been identified and USAID was like the left ventricle of that beating rotten heart.

Continuing with the WSJ article above, nobody was willing to go on record so the WSJ fell back on the old “unnamed officials” mode of weak-assed journalism that we’ve all grown to hate:

“It’s a coup,” said a current USAID official. It was unclear when, if ever, the agency would be up and running again, the official added.

From my perspective, the coup happened when JFK was shot and nobody was held to account, and ever since it’s been one long unbroken string of DC swamp creatures doing unspeakable things for fun and profit.

So, yes, there’s been a coup, but it’s not the one the “unnamed official” is complaining about.

As a reminder, the government is supposed to serve THE PUBLIC and be both responsible and accountable to the public.  The USAID folks are aghast that suddenly the public might take a peek at what they’ve actually been up to.

The early results are not pretty.

USAID gave money lavishly to support violent mobs all over the globe, in this case Mike Benz revealing that Africa was a routine target:

If you’re wondering what that must have been like for those poor African nations suddenly beset with mob violence, look no further than various US cities during the 2020 BLM astroturf riots:

I will bet a large pile of money that we’re going to discover that somehow USAID money flowed into these riots.  That’s a pretty safe bet given all the other things we’ve already learned including the fact that a FOIA document dump in August of 2024 revealed that USAID has been a hot bed of funding child sex trafficking, labor abuse, and  social media threats:


Full stop; this is morally repugnant.


From the same WSJ article already linked above, we have this totally appropriate quote by Elon Musk:

Musk said earlier Monday that Trump agreed with him that USAID should be closed, telling a live audience on his social-media site, X, that he “went over it with him in detail and he agreed that we should shut it down.”

Musk, during that same appearance, said that the administration was closing the agency because “as we dug into USAID, it became apparent that what we have here is not an apple with a worm in it, but we have actually just a ball of worms.”

“There is no apple. And when there is no apple, you just got to basically get rid of the whole thing, that’s why it has to go, it’s beyond repair,” he said

There is no apple.  There is only a ball of worms.

In the real world, sometimes it’s just way faster and cheaper to start over.  You don’t try and make something that is beyond repair better by pouring more into it.  You have to burn it down and start over.

So if I were a USAID staffer, I’d be spiffing up my C.V. while thinking of Elon’s first arrival in the Twitter lobby after purchasing it:

Do we really doubt that the man who wrestled Twitter back from being an overt tool of Deep State censorship and ended up firing 80% of the existing staff while keeping the whole thing running smoothly is going to be any different while tearing apart USAID?

This is exactly what a majority of people voted for in 2024.

But Elizabeth Warren sure hasn’t managed to figure that out:

Yes, Liz, we did elect Elon too.  That was part of the deal.  We knew exactly who and what we were voting for.

If you are suddenly worried about unelected people doing things that might cause harm to people, then why were you (and continue to be) completely silent about the fact that USAID funneled tens of millions of dollars of direct monetary support to a Chinese research scientist working on coronaviruses who ended up being Patient Zero?


Kind of weird, right?  You’d think something that was blamed for killing 1,000,000 Americans would somehow make your radar screen, but not old Liz Warren!  No sir!

She’s worried that Elon might poke around in the USAID pile and discover that some of her pet disbursement schemes come under public scrutiny.

There’s a LOT more to unpack here, but the point is this.  There’s a revolution underway and Trump is running it, and various odious DC swamp creatures are now scurrying like cockroaches after the kitchen light has been flicked on.

The Covid debacle ties back to 2014 which, coincidentally, is the year to which Team Biden backdated Fauci and Hunter’s pardons.  That’s the same year, again coincidentally, that USAID began funneling money to Wuhan and Ukraine’s biolabs opened up.

It’s a ball of worms, and it’s about to have an entire box of salt dumped on it.

All of which is to ask, have you planted a garden?  By which I mean are you ready?  Because this is going to get really bumpy.  The economy and financial systems may well crash or seize up.

And that’s if things go well.  If the neocon/Deep State raccoons feel like they need to detonate something to survive, trust me, they will. That’s the wild card in all this, and why I continually beg, plead, and cajole people to consider taking steps to build their personal resilience.


 Plenty of interesting details in this long video. Canadian Preper is a "preper" so you can expect a rather dark outlook. Still, i...