Friday, June 21, 2024

“Something BIG is about to happen” - EXCLUSIVE Alex Jones (Video - 21mn)

  OK, Alex Jones and populism! But behind this there is a real story of crushing all dissenting voices and total control of the narrative. Is he over the top? Sometimes, yes. But then again, such voices were tolerated in the past. They were the symbol of democracy. Not anymore and that really is the true story. 

 Is our society nothing but a shadow of its former self, both economically and politically? Without mention of the moral and social decay!

  The full video is available on Rumble below.

  This as usual should be listen to with alarm bells on. Alex Jones believes in a lot of things which are to some extent, "hypothetical" to be kind. Still, with the shaft comes a lot of interesting things. Who really controls the system? That's one of the questions Alex Jones is asking and he should be allowed to do so! (As for the end of the talk about aliens, I switched off and went to other things :-)

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