Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Imminent Collapse of the EU and Misinformation

  Yes the EU is heading for a wall, and then what if midnight rings much sooner as discussed in the previous article?

  Likewise, I haven't discussed much recently the tsunami of news concerning the ineffectiveness of the fight against Covid or the danger of the vaccines. Understanding the problems early was important, getting a late confirmation that we were right not so much.  

  In any case, the war for control will move quickly to another subject as this is indeed the rule of the game: change the game while it's being played, keep the enemy (us) destabilized by moving fast, use the shock doctrine to immobilize your opponent. Yes people are waking up as we saw recently with the EU elections, but they are too slow and uncoordinated and therefore ineffective. 

  The financial instabilities are heading for a climax during this second part of the year 2024. We can therefore expect "events" to take place and preempt consequences before they happen. Let's see. 


That’s in our view not only probable, but now imminent.

Take a look at this chart of unfunded pension entitlements in major European countries between 300% and 500% of GDP.

Mix this in with collapsing demographics and you’ve a recipe for debt disaster.

As the entire system collapses, those in power look to consolidate and hang onto power, choosing to ensure that dissenting views are censored.

Speaking of dissenting views being censored…


I don’t know if you saw the news, but…

AstraZeneca withdraws Covid-19 vaccine worldwide, citing surplus of newer vaccines

With the formal withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine, it’s appropriate to remind people of this double page spread in The Times from March 2021 that hailed the AstraZeneca vaccine as 100% effective.

But note the article highlighted bottom right.

"Academics back "BIZARRE" claim that jabs may kill"

Here it is:

The murderers behind it, including AstraZeneca CEO, Sarah Gilbert, receiving a standing ovation at Wimbledon as the sheeple clap their own poisoning. You can't make this up!

By the way, this is the same Wimbledon where social distancing was required and adhered to while lining up buying tickets and then of course everyone sat down next to each other. Mindless fools.

It can all be a tad depressing, but there’s always a bright side.

Certainly, if you’d been reading these missives back in the WuFlu hysteria, then you may well have steered clear of the… ahem… safe and effective “treatment,” and if that is the case, then whenever you’re feeling down just remember that over a trillion dollars (with a capital T) worth of propaganda never worked on you. Ain’t that something?

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